Functional Testing Flashcards
A type of software testing that validates the software system against the functional requirements/specifications.
Functional Testing
[T/F] Functional testing is performed using the functional specification provided by the client and verifies the system against the functional requirements.
[T/F] Functional testing is executed after non-functional testing
[T/F] Functional testing can be automated
[T/F] Functional testing can only be done manually
What are the inputs for functional testing?
Business requirements
[T/F] Functional testing can not be done without written requirements.
What does functional testing describes?
Functional testing describes what the product does
Cite at least 5 examples of functional testing
Unit Testing Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Integration Testing White Box testing Black Box testing User Acceptance testing Regression Testing
A software testing process that determines whether the deployed software build is stable or not.
Smoke testing
Performed after receiving the software build to ensure that the code changes introduced are working as expected
Sanity testing
This testing is a checkpoint to determine if testing for the build can proceed or not.
Sanity testing
Is a software testing technique in which internal structure, design and coding of software are tested to verify flow of input-output and to improve design, usability and security
White Box testing
Is a software testing method in which the functionalities of software applications are tested without having knowledge of internal code structure, implementation details and internal paths.
Black Box testing
Mainly focuses on input and output of software applications and it is entirely based on software requirements and specifications
Black Box testing