Functional Neuroanatomy and Essential Neuropharmacology Flashcards
The brain itself is divided into three main components:
The forebrain (cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon)
The midbrain
The hindbrain (comprised of the medulla, pons, and cerebellum, which together form a connection between the brain and spinal cord)
“unimodal” cortex
processes information pertaining to a specific sensory modality
plays a prominent role in perception
“polymodal” cortex
processes information received from disparate modalities through afferent connections
critically involved in higher-order conceptual processes that are less dependent on concrete sensory information than on abstract features extracted from multiple inputs
Examples of polymodal cortex include the convergence zones of the anterior temporal lobe and inferior parietal lobule.
the frontal lobe can be further subdivided into:
The orbitofrontal/ventromedial region, important for emotional regulation, reward monitoring, and personality; damage to the orbitofrontal sector produces disinhibition, whereas damage to the ventromedial sector results in disordered reward/punishment processing and problems marking perceptual or learning experiences with reward value and emotional significance.
The dorsolateral region, important in a broad range of cognitive-executive functions; damage produces dysexecutive syndromes, impairments in working memory, and poor attentional control of behavior.
The dorsomedial region, important for intentional and behavioral activation; extensive damage to this region produces striking impairments in initiated behavior including akinetic mutism, in which the person is alert and awake (not comatose) but cannot move or speak.
The temporal lobes can be divided roughly into three regions:
The temporal polar cortical areas, a polymodal convergence zone important for intersensory integration and semantic memory.
The ventral temporal areas, important for object recognition and discrimination; bilateral damage can produce object or face agnosia.
The posterior temporal region, comprised of the middle and superior temporal sulci, which contains the primary auditory areas and Wernicke’s area in the language-dominant hemisphere, important for language comprehension, and prosodic comprehension in the homologous non-dominant hemisphere.
The parietal lobe can be divided into three regions:
The superior parietal lobe, important for sensory–motor integration, body schema, and spatial processing.
The temporoparietal junction, important for phonological and sound-based processing; language comprehension (left) and music comprehension (right).
The inferior parietal lobule, important for complex spatial attention, integration of tactile sensation, and self-awareness.
The occipital lobe contains the primary visual cortex (surrounding the calcarine fissure) and the visual association cortex.
Complete damage to the primary visual cortex produces cortical blindness or (rarely) phenomena of Anton’s syndrome (denial of cortical blindness) or blindsight (detection of unconsciously perceived stimuli in the blind field).
Partial damage produces visual field defects that reflect the region of visual cortex damaged.
The occipital lobe is also the origin of the two main visual-cortical pathways:
The ventral visual pathway, connecting occipital and temporal lobe; important for object and face recognition, item-based memory, and complex visual discrimination.
The dorsal visual pathway, connecting the occipital and parietal lobes via the superior temporal sulcus; important for spatial vision and visuomotor integration.
An important feature of the neocortex is its six-layer laminar structure, which distinguishes it from limbic cortex (archicortex), which has only three.
Each of the six layers has distinct input–output connections and, when examining any cortical region, evaluation of the region’s laminar structure provides important clues regarding that region’s function by elucidating other brain regions to which it is preferentially connected.
Neuroanatomy of Vision
Retinal ganglion cells in each eye send their axons into the optic nerve, which projects posteriorly and comes together at the optic chiasm, where the optic tracts originate.
The majority of optic tract fibers terminate in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus, which then projects to the primary visual cortex in Brodmann area (BA) 17 (“striate cortex”) in the occipital pole.
Summary of the Anatomy of Memory
system contains two functionally and anatomically integrated circuits,
the medial (Papez) one involving the hippocampus
the lateral one involving the amygdala.
Amnesia is associated with medial temporal, thalamic, BF, and parahippocampal gyrus damage
functional impairment of more than one circuit is necessary for dense amnesia to occur.
Less severe forms of memory disturbance can
result from more restricted lesions that do not impair both circuits.
Neuroanatomy of Language
The left hemisphere is dominant for language in more than 95% of right-handers and in more than 60–70% of left-handers.
The two regions implicated in Broca’s and Wernicke’s seminal cases lie adjacent to the Sylvian fissure separating the temporal and frontal lobes, and subsequent analyses of language disorders associated with these and associated regions have led to the concept of “perisylvian” aphasias.
Perysylvian language system
anterior temporal convergence zone (semantic knowledge)
Heschl’s Gyrus primary auditory cortex
Wernicke’s area (BA 22)
Angular gyrus
Supramarginal gyrus
arcuate fasiculus
Broca’s area (BA 44)
sylvian fissure
Syndrome: Broca’s Aphasia
symptom: ↓speech production; sparse, halting speech, missing function words, syntactic deficits, right hemiparesis (often)
deficit: Impaired speech planning and production
lesion location: Posterior aspect of third frontal convolution (damage to adjacent motor fibers may produce right hemiparesis)
Syndrome: Wernicke’s
↓ auditory comprehension, fluent speech, paraphasias, poor repetition and naming, may have right homonymous hemianopia
Impaired representation of the sound structure of words
Posterior half of the superior (first) temporal gyrus (geniculostriate white matter damage may produce right homonymous hemianopia)
Anomic Aphasia
↓single word production, marked for common nouns; repetition and comprehension relatively intact
Impaired storage or access to lexicon
Inferior parietal lobe or connections within perisylvian language areas; many other forms of aphasia evolve to anomia in recovery
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Disturbed spontaneous speech similar to Broca’s; relatively preserved repetition and comprehension
Disconnection between conceptual word/sentence representations in perisylvian region and motor speech areas
Deep white matter tracts connecting BA to parietal lobe; usually caused by anterior watershed infarcts
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
Disturbance in word comprehension with relatively intact repetition
Disturbed activation of word meanings despite normal recognition of auditorily presented words
White matter tracts connecting parietal and temporal lobe; usually caused by posterior watershed infarcts
Conduction Aphasia
Disturbance of repetition and spontaneous speech, phonemic paraphasia
Disconnection between sound patterns and speech production mechanisms
Arcuate fasciculus; connections between Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas
Neuroanatomy of Frontal/Executive Skills
Insight into the anatomic systems in which the frontal lobes participate can be gained by considering the following facts:
- Vast regions of the DLPFC have large granular layers (layer IV), suggesting strong and broadly distributed interactions with subcortical networks involving the thalamus.
- Architectonically, frontal cortex also contains regions with large layers II and III, suggesting the presence of extensive cortico-cortical connectivity.
frontal regions participate in extensive cortico-cortical networks
interacting with:
parietal lobe systems involved in attention, proprioception
visuomotor interaction with the environment
temporal lobe memory and emotional systems.
participate in reciprocal circuits involving the basal ganglia and thalamus.
Such interactions allow modulation and volitional control to be exerted on perceptual, emotional, and action systems toward the completion of goal-directed action.
Core Architecture of Subcortical Loops in Frontal Lobe
striatum (caudate, putamen)
globus pallidus
Cortico-Striatal-Pallidal-Thalamo-Cortical Loops Most Relevant to Cognition
orbitofrontal (response-reward learning)
anterior cingulate / limbic (emotion regulation)
dorsolateral prefrontal (executive functions)
oculomotor (eye movement subserving cognition)
motor (motor control)
Frontal Lobe Attentional Mechanisms
Posner and Rothbart (2007) indicate that there are three interconnected systems for attention:
one for orienting to stimuli
one for alerting
one for executive aspects of attention
Orienting refers to the tuning of perceptual systems to incoming stimuli so that relevant information from sensory input can be selected for further processing. It is primarily dependent on acetylcholine and involves a functional system consisting of the superior colliculus, pulvinar thalamic nucleus, posterior temporoparietal cortex, and a region within the frontal lobes known as the frontal eye fields (BA 8, involved in volitional control of eye movements).
Alerting is a state of sensitivity to incoming stimuli. It is modulated by norepinephrine and depends primarily on ascending sensory inputs from the thalamus.
Executive attention involves monitoring and resolving conflicts among thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is primarily dependent on dopamine and involves key structures including the anterior cingulate cortex and DLPFC.