Functional Movement Screen Test Flashcards
What is the functional movement screen?
Consists of 7 tasks
Scored 0 (lowest) through III (highest)
Lowest score counts on bilateral tests
Best possible score 21
A series of movements designed to evaluatestability and mobility (i.e. functionalmovement)
Uses extreme positions where weaknesses andimbalances become noticeable
Initital goal was to identify athletes atincreased risk for injury
What are the exercises of the FMS?
Deep Squat
Hurdle Step
In-line Lunge
Shoulder Mobility
Active Leg Raise
Trunk Stability Push-up
Rotary Stability
What is the optimum performance pyramid?
MobilityROM /flexibilityStabilityNeuromuscular controlTestingFMS / Y balance testFunctional Movement
Kinetic linking movements
gross movement not isolation
power production movements
Olympic lifts/plyometrics
vertical leap/medicine ball toss
Who developed the FMS?
Gray Cook, PT, OCS, CSCS
What are the initial key principles of the FMS?
Optimum functional movement
Balance between mobility and stability
Tightness weakness
Hamstring seemingly become tight when the core istoo weak to control the pelvis
Targeting the tightness only will result in ashort term gain at best
How do you score the FMS?
III Able to complete task
II Able to complete task with compensation
I Unable to complete the task
0 Pain during test (or clearing exam)
Max Score 21 points
Also looking for asymmetry
Initial low level research suggested scores <14 non desirable
How do you perform a deep squat?
Upper torso is parallel with tibia or towardvertical
Femur below horizontal
Knees are aligned over feet
Dowel aligned over feet
closed kinetic chain dorsiflexion of the ankles
flexion of the knees and hips
extension of the thoracic spine
flexion and abduction of the shoulders
ankle, knee, hip, thoracic spine, andshoulders
core in symmetrical stance
How do you perform a hurdle step?
stability of the ankle, knee, and hip
closed-kinetic chain extension of the hip
open-kinetic chain dorsiflexion of the ankle
flexion of the knee and hip
adequate balance-dynamic stability
stability of the ankle, knee, and hip
closed-kinetic chain extension of the hip
open-kinetic chain dorsiflexion of the ankle
flexion of the knee and hip
Hips, knees and ankles remain aligned in thesagittal plane
Minimal to no movement is noted in lumbar spine
Dowel and hurdle remain parallel
How do you perform an in-line lunge?
stance leg
stability of the ankle, knee, and hip
apparent closed kinetic-chain hip abduction
mobility of hip abduction
ankle dorsiflexion, and rectus femorisflexibility
adequate balance due to the lateral stressimposed
stance leg ankle, knee, and hip
kneeling leg thigh flexibility
bilateral ankle, knee, hip
core stabilization to maintain balance inasymmetrical stance
How do you score an in-line lunge?
Dowel contacts remain with lumbar spine extension
No torso movement is noted
Dowel and feet remain in sagittal plane
Knee touches board behind heel of front foot
How do you perform shoulder mobility test?
shoulder mobility in a combination of motionsincluding
abduction/external rotation, flexion/extension,and adduction/internal rotation
scapular and thoracic spine mobility.
How do you perform an active straight leg raise?(ASLR)
functional hamstring flexibility, which is theflexibility that is available during training andcompetition
(this is different from passive flexibility,which is more commonly assessed)
adequate hip mobility of the opposite leg
lower abdominal stability
wooden stick in line with middle of femur and tennis ball under contra leg - if heel behind stick - score 3 and if toe behind stick - score 2 - anything else 1 - if pain - 0
How do you perform a trunk stability push up?
Requires symmetric trunk stability in the sagittal planeduring a symmetric upper extremity movement
(Many functional activities in sport requirethe trunk stabilizers to transfer forcesymmetrically from the upper extremities to thelower extremities and vice versa)
If the trunk does not have adequate stabilityduring these activities, kinetic energy will bedispersed and lead to poor functionalperformance, as well as increased potential formicro traumatic injury
Males perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with top of forehead
Females perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with chin
How do you perform rotary stability?
Requires asymmetric trunk stability in both sagittal andtransverse planes during asymmetric upper andlower extremity movement
Performs one correct unilateral repetition whilekeeping spine parallel to surface
Knee and elbow touch
Unilateral attempt first
If unable then elbow to opposite knee