Functional Appliances Flashcards
What are orthodontic treatment options?
Removable appliance
Fixed appliance
Ortho gnat hi surgery
Growth modification
What is the intra membranous. Growth in facial bone formation
Mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts which undergo calcification to form bone. This occurs in the maxilla and mandible (except condylar cartilage)
Endochondralprocess of bone formation
Cartilage cells undergo hypertrophy forming a calcified matrix which forms osteogenic invasionleading to cone. This occurs for the condylar cartilage and the nasal septal cartilage
Describe the process of the growth of the mandible
Area of condensation above ventral part of developing mandible
Develops in cone shaped cartilage
Mirages inferior and fuses with mandibular ramus
Cone shaped cartilage is replaced by bone but upper end persists acting as growth cartilage
In the development of the maxilla what is remodelling?
Process involving deposition and resorption occurring on opposite ends
Progressively change the size of the whole bone
Sequentially relocate each component of the whole bone
What are some of the nasomaxillary complex structures?
Fro to-maxillary
What happens in class II maxillary excess?
Lowering of the palatal plane
Supra eruption of dentition
What is treatment for maxillary excess?
What is the problem with class III maxillary deficiency?
Reduced lowering of the palatal plane
Overclosin of the mandible
What sit he treatment for class III maxillary deficiency?
Face mask- rotation of the mandible downwards and backwards
What is the definition of of.a functional appliance??
An appliance that utilises or redirects the forces of mastcatory and or the circum-oral muscles to produce or permit tooth movement and may modify facial growth
What are the types of functional appliance?
Twin block
And others
What functional appliance is this?
A resin activator
What functional appliance is this?
Halter bionator
Check PowerPoint for the images for context