Functional Anatomy Key Terms Flashcards
Anatomical Position
starting position for body segment movements
- upright standing, facing forward
- legs together, feet flat on floor and parallel so that the toes face forwards
- hands at the side, palms facing forwards
To the front or in front
To the rear or behind
(Further) away from the midline
Towards/closer to the midline
Further away from the trunk or root of the limb
Closer to the trunk or root of the limb
Anatomical Reference/Cardinal Plane
imaginary slices through the body that are mutually perpendicular to each other and meet in the middle
Sagittal (Median) Plane
Right side vs left side (through the middle)
Frontal (Coronal) Plane
Front to back (sliced from the side)
Transverse (Horizontal) Plane
Top to bottom (through the middle)
In the anatomical position, the cardinal planes intersect at what point?
The body centre of mass
infinite imaginary lines that pass through joints, about which movement takes places
What happens when a joint of the human body moves?
It rotates about an imaginary axis, within a plane (perpendicular to)
Mediolateral axis
Within the Sagittal plane
Anteroposterior axis
Within the Frontal plane
Longitudinal axis
Within the Transverse plane
One plane of motion- think cyclist in one direction
In a combination of planes- think gymnast on the horse
Movement about the mediolateral axis, within the sagittal plane is referred to as…
Flexion and extension
Movement about the anteroposterior axis, within the frontal plane is referred to as…
Abduction and adduction
Movement about the longitudinal axis, within the transverse plane is referred to as…
Medial and lateral rotation
The angle at the joint diminishes (bringing together)
Mediolateral axis, sagittal plane
The angle at the joint increases (moving apart)
Mediolateral axis, sagittal plane
Refers to flexion of the foot at the ankle joint
Mediolateral axis, sagittal plane
Refers to extension of the foot at the ankle joint, think plantar=point
Mediolateral axis, sagittal plane
Moving away from the midline of the body
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
Moving towards the midline of the body
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
Movement of the whole foot to make the sole face medially, inwards
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
Movement of the whole foot to make the sole face laterally, outwards
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
Lateral Flexion
Bending of the trunk
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
What is movement of the Scapular (shoulder blade) referred to as?
Elevation and depression
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
What is movement of the hand referred to as?
Ulnar and radial deviation
Anteroposterior axis, frontal plane
Medial/internal rotation
Rotation of a limb segment about its longitudinal axis such that the anterior surface comes to face towards the midline of the body
Longitudinal axis, transverse plane
Lateral/external rotation
Rotation of a limb segment about its longitudinal axis so that its anterior surface faces away from the midline of the body
Longitudinal axis, transverse plane
Movement of the forearm that makes the palm of the hand face downwards
Longitudinal axis, transverse plane
Movement of the forearm that makes the palm of the hand faces upwards
Longitudinal axis, transverse plane