Funamentals Flashcards
What is Kubernetes?
Open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized apps - provides things like service discovery, load balancing, storage, rollouts/rollbacks, etc
What is a pod?
A pod is a Kubernetes object that serves as a higher level abstraction for managing a container or multiple containers.
What Kubernetes component is used to describe a pod?
Kubelet is the agent that runs on each node to describe a pod - does not manage the container itself but is focused on ensuring that the containers described in the podspecs are running and healthy
What is a deployment in Kubernetes?
A deployment is an object in Kubernetes that is responsible for managing the deployment of multiple pods and ensures a specified number of replica pods are running at any given time. Declarative way of managing the state of applications and ensure consistency across environments
What is a service in Kubernetes?
A service is an object in Kubernetes that is responsible for distributing traffic across different namespaces or pods and also provides service discovery.
What is a Kubernetes namespace?
Kubernetes object that provides a mechanism to isolate resources within a cluster across different teams or applications to share the same physical infrastructure based on logical grouping and enable role-based access control and resource quotas
What is Kubernetes controller?
Kubernetes object that is responsible for managing the desired state of a particular resource in your cluster by interacting with the cluster API server. Resonsible for managing the current state to get to the desired state (control loop)
What is a StatefulSet in Kubernetes?
Object that is responsible for managing the deployment of stateful applications like databases. Ensures that each instance has a stable and unique hostname, persistent storage, and ordered deployment and scaling.
What is a ConfigMap in Kubernetes?
Kubernetes object that provides a mechanism from decoupling configuration data from application code. This could be things like database connection strings
What is a secret in Kubernetes?
Object that is used to manage and store credentials or sensitive data. Encrypted at rest and can be mounted to your pods files or env variables
Difference between Daemonset and Deployment?
Daemonsets ensures a pod is running on all nodes in a cluster while a deployment manages the deployment of multiple pods and ensures a specified number of replica pods are running at any given time.
Describe the Ingress Object in Kubernetes
Provides communication to your internal