Full Stack Review Flashcards
What are the three parts of a standard HTML element?
- Opening tag, content, and closing tag.
TRUE or FALSE: Some HTML elements are self closing and do not have a closing tag.
What is an HTML attribute?
-An attribute is used to provide additional information about an HTML element
Where does an attribute go inside of an HTML element?
- It always goes in the opening tag.
What does the <title>
tag define in an HTML document?
- The
tag defines the title of the page that appears in the browser tab.
What are the two types of lists in HTML?
- The two types of lists in HTML are ordered and unordered lists.
What is the type attribute used for in the <input></input> tag?
-Type attribute is used to specify the type of input field such as text, email, password, etc.
What attribute and value do I give an anchor element to have the link open in a new tab?
Where are the three places you can place your CSS to have it inserted into your HTML?
-External, Internal, Inline
TRUE or FALSE: I can have as many HTML elements with the same id attribute value as I want.
How many HTML elements can have the same class applied to them?
-There is no limit
What value do you pass to the border-radius property to make an element appear circular?
-50% or more
What is the difference between absolute and relative units?
-Absolute units are fixed size. Relative units are relative to other values
When the position of an element is set to relative, it allows you to specify how CSS should move the element relative to what?
-Its current position/relative to its current position in the normal flow of the page
Absolute positioning locks an element in place relative to what?
-Its closest positioned ancestor
Fixed positioning locks an element in place relative to what?
-The browser window
In order to give links more meaning to those using a screen reader. Your link text should:
Be brief, but descriptive. Like “go to google.com” or “Learn more about us here”
After setting the width of a picture, what setting should be given to its height property in order to maintain its original aspect ratio?
height: auto;
Percentages are relative to the size of the parent container element, whereas viewport units are relative to what?
The viewing device’s viewport dimensions
If I want to change an HTML element into a grid or flex container, which property do I need to set the value of?
Which axis runs parallel to the direction of the value of your flex-direction property?
main axis
Which axis runs perpendicular to the main axis?
cross axis
What are 4 of the 7 basic types of data in JavaScript?
Boolean, Number, String, Symbol, Object, Null, Undefined
TRUE or FALSE: If an initial value is not specified when a variable is declared, the variable’s initial value is undefined.
Given the following code, What will be logged to the console?
function len(name){
len(“Alan Turing”)
Which array method adds an item to the end of an array?
Fill in the blanks. Looking at code Example # 2 above, the variable on line 1. has a
__________ scope, and the variable on line 4. has a scope __________ to the function myFun().
global, local
The two ways to access the contents/properties inside of an object are ___________ notation and _____________ notation.
Dot notation and Bracket notation
Math.random will generate what in JavaScript
A random decimal between 0 and up to 1