FTO - Objective 8 Flashcards
(1) A person steals property and commits theft when, with intent to deprive another of property or to appropriate the same to himself or to a third person, he wrongfully takes, obtains or withholds such property from an owner thereof.
(2) Theft includes a wrongful taking, obtaining or withholding of another’s property, with the intent prescribed in subsection (1) of this section, committed in any of the following ways:
(a) By deception obtains or exerts control over property of the owner;
(b) By conduct heretofore defined or known as larceny; common law larceny by trick; embezzlement; extortion; obtaining property, money or labor under false pretenses; or receiving stolen goods;
(c) By acquiring lost property. A person acquires lost property when he exercises control over property of another which he knows to have been lost or mislaid, or to have been delivered under a mistake as to the identity of the recipient or the nature or amount of the property, without taking reasonable measures to return such property to the owner; or a person commits theft of lost or mislaid property when he:
1. Knows or learns the identity of the owner or knows, or is aware of, or learns of a reasonable method of identifying the owner; and
2. Fails to take reasonable measures to restore the property to the owner; and
3. Intends to deprive the owner permanently of the use or benefit of the property.
(d) By false promise:
1. A person obtains property by false promise when pursuant to a scheme to defraud, he obtains property of another by means of a representation, express or implied, that he or a third person will in the future engage in particular conduct, and when he does not intend to engage in such conduct or, as the case may be, does not believe that the third person intends to engage in such conduct.
2. In any prosecution for theft based upon a false promise, the defendant’s intention or belief that the promise would not be performed may not be established by or inferred from the fact alone that such promise was not performed. Such a finding may be based only upon evidence establishing that the facts and circumstances of the case are consistent with guilty intent or belief and inconsistent with innocent intent or belief, and excluding to a moral certainty every reasonable hypothesis except that of the defendant’s intention or belief that the promise would not be performed;
(e) By extortion. A person obtains property by extortion when he compels or induces another person to deliver such property to himself or to a third person by means of instilling in him a fear that, if the property is not so delivered, the actor or another will:
1. Cause physical injury to some person in the future; or
2. Cause damage to property; or
3. Engage in other conduct constituting a crime; or
4. Accuse some person of a crime or cause criminal charges to be instituted against him; or
5. Expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or false, tending to subject some person to hatred, contempt or ridicule; or
6. Cause a strike, boycott or other collective labor group action injurious to some person’s business; except that such a threat shall not be deemed extortion when the property is demanded or received for the benefit of the group in whose interest the actor purports to act; or
7. Testify or provide information or withhold testimony or information with respect to another’s legal claim or defense; or
8. Use or abuse his position as a public servant by performing some act within or related to his official duties, or by failing or refusing to perform an official duty, in such manner as to affect some person adversely; or
9. Perform any other act which would not in itself materially benefit the actor but which is calculated to harm another person materially with respect to his health, safety, business, calling, career, financial condition, reputation or personal relationships.
(3) A person commits theft when he knowingly takes or exercises unauthorized control over, or makes an unauthorized transfer of an interest in, the property of another person, with the intent of depriving the owner thereof.
(4) A person commits theft when he knowingly receives, retains, conceals, obtains control over, possesses, or disposes of stolen property, knowing the property to have been stolen or under such circumstances as would reasonably induce him to believe that the property was stolen, and
(a) Intends to deprive the owner permanently of the use or benefit of the property; or
(b) Knowingly uses, conceals or abandons the property in such manner as to deprive the owner permanently of such use or benefit; or
(c) Uses, conceals, or abandons the property knowing such use, concealment or abandonment probably will deprive the owner permanently of such use or benefit.
(5) Theft of labor or services or use of property.
(a) A person commits theft when he obtains the temporary use of property, labor or services of another which are available only for hire, by means of threat or deception or knowing that such use is without the consent of the person providing the property, labor or services.
(b) A person commits theft when after renting or leasing a motor vehicle under an agreement in writing which provides for the return of the vehicle to a particular place at a particular time, he willfully or intentionally fails to return the vehicle to that place within forty-eight (48) hours after the time specified.
(c) A person commits theft if, having control over the disposition of services of others, to which he is not entitled, he knowingly diverts such services to his own benefit or to the benefit of another not entitled thereto.
Theft by lessee
It shall be prima facie evidence that a person knowingly obtains or exerts unauthorized control over property of the owner when a lessee of the personal property of another, leased or rented by written instrument:
(1) Fails or refuses to return such personal property to its owner after the lease or rental agreement has expired:
(a) Within ten (10) days; and
(b) Within forty-eight (48) hours after written demand for return thereof is personally served or given by registered mail delivered to the last known address provided in such lease or rental agreement; or
(2) When the lease or rent of such personal property is obtained by presentation of identification to the lessor or renter thereof which is false, fictitious, or knowingly not current to name, address, place of employment, or other identification.
Grading of theft
Theft is divided into two (2) degrees, grand theft and petit theft.
(1) Grand theft.
(a) A person is guilty of grand theft when he commits a theft as defined in this chapter and when the property, regardless of its nature and value, is obtained by extortion committed by instilling in the victim a fear that the actor or another person will:
1. Cause physical injury to some person in the future; or
2. Cause damage to property; or
3. Use or abuse his position as a public servant by engaging in conduct within or related to his official duties, or by failing or refusing to perform an official duty, in such manner as to affect some person adversely.
(b) A person is guilty of grand theft when he commits a theft as defined in this chapter and when:
1. The value of the property taken exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000); or
2. The property consists of a public record, writing or instrument kept, filed or deposited according to law with or in the keeping of any public office or public servant; or
3. The property consists of a check, draft or order for the payment of money upon any bank, or a check, draft or order account number, or a financial transaction card or financial transaction card account number as those terms are defined in section 18-3122, Idaho Code; or
4. The property, regardless of its nature or value, is taken from the person of another; or
5. The property, regardless of its nature and value, is obtained by extortion; or
6. The property consists of one (1) or more firearms, rifles or shotguns; or
7. The property taken or deliberately killed is livestock or any other animal exceeding one hundred fifty dollars ($150) in value.
8. When any series of thefts, comprised of individual thefts having a value of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less, are part of a common scheme or plan, the thefts may be aggregated in one (1) count and the sum of the value of all of the thefts shall be the value considered in determining whether the value exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000); or
9. The property has an aggregate value over fifty dollars ($50.00) and is stolen during three (3) or more incidents of theft during a criminal episode. For purposes of this subparagraph a “criminal episode” shall mean a series of unlawful acts committed over a period of up to three (3) days; or
10. The property is anhydrous ammonia.
(2) Petit theft. A person is guilty of petit theft when he commits a theft as defined in this chapter and his actions do not constitute grand theft.
Willful concealment of goods
(a) Whoever, without authority, willfully conceals the goods, wares or merchandise of any store or merchant, while still upon the premises of such store or merchant, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Goods, wares or merchandise found concealed upon the person shall be prima facie evidence of a willful concealment.
A. Every person who willfully commits any trespass, by either:
1. Cutting down, destroying or injuring any kind of wood or timber belonging to another, standing or growing upon the lands of another; or
2. Carrying away any kind of wood or timber lying on such lands; or
3. Maliciously injuring or severing from the freehold of another, anything attached thereto, or the produce thereof; or
4. Digging, taking, or carrying away from any lot situated within the limits of any incorporated city, without the license of the owner or legal occupant thereof, any earth, soil, stone; or
5. Digging, taking, or carrying away from any land in any of the cities of the state, laid down on the map or plan of such city, or otherwise recognized or established as a street, alley, avenue, or park, without the license of the proper authorities, any earth, soil or stone; or
6. Willfully opening, tearing down, or otherwise destroying any fence on the enclosed land of another, or opening any gate, bar, or fence of another and willfully leaving it open, or using the corral or corrals of another without the permission of the owner; or
7. Willfully covering up or encumbering in any manner, the land or city lot of another, without written permission from the owner or custodian thereof; or
8. Every person, except under landlord-tenant relationship, who, being first notified in writing, or verbally by the owner or authorized agent of the owner of real property, to immediately depart from the same and who refuses to so depart, or who, without permission or invitation, returns and enters said property within a year, after being so notified; or
9. Entering without permission of the owner or the owner’s agent, upon the real property of another person which real property is posted with “No Trespassing” signs, is posted with a minimum of one hundred (100) square inches of fluorescent orange paint except that when metal fence posts are used, the entire post must be painted fluorescent orange, or other notices of like meaning, spaced at intervals of not less than one (1) sign, paint area or notice per six hundred sixty (660) feet along such real property; provided that where the geographical configuration of the real property is such that entry can reasonably be made only at certain points of access, such property is posted sufficiently for all purposes of this section if said signs, paint or notices are posted at such points of access; or
10. Entering the property of another and, being unprovoked, intentionally and without the consent of the animal’s owner, kills or injures a domestic animal not his own:
Is guilty of a misdemeanor.
B. Every person who while committing any trespass, intentionally and without consent of the animal’s owner kills or injures a domestic animal of another, not including upland game birds or birds of any species not protected by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. In addition to any other sentence of jail or a criminal fine imposed, a court may, for violation of this subsection or subsection A.10. of this section, impose a civil penalty in an amount up to double the value of the animal or for injuries sustained and payable to the owner of the animal.
Service of subpoena
A subpoena may be served by any person, but a peace officer must serve in his county any subpoena delivered to him for service, either on the part of the people or of the defendant, and must, without delay, make a written return of the service, subscribed by him, stating the time and place of service. The service is made by showing the original to the witness personally and informing him of its contents.
Definition of magistrate
A magistrate is an officer having power to issue a warrant for the arrest of a person charged with a public offense.
To whom warrant directed
The warrant must be directed to and executed by a peace officer.
When arrest may be made upon a warrant
If the offense charged is a felony, the arrest may be made on any day, and at any time of the day or night.
If the offense charged is a misdemeanor, the arrest shall not be made inside a person’s residence between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., unless upon the direction of the magistrate, as endorsed upon the warrant, or where consent was given to enter the residence by a person with real or apparent authority.
Information to person arrested
The person making the arrest must inform the person to be arrested of the intention to arrest him, of the cause of the arrest, and the authority to make it, except when the person to be arrested is actually engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, an offense, or is pursued immediately after its commission, or after an escape.
Warrant must be shown
If the person making the arrest is acting under the authority of a warrant, he must show the warrant, if required.
Preliminary examination
The magistrate shall conduct a preliminary examination unless the same is waived by the defendant. At such preliminary examination, the magistrate shall first read the complaint to the defendant unless the defendant waives such reading, and it shall be the duty of the magistrate at such examination to determine whether or not a public offense has been committed and whether or not there is probable or sufficient cause to believe that the defendant committed such public offense. Once commenced, the examination must be completed at one (1) session unless the magistrate for good cause shown by court order postpones it, or unless the parties stipulate in writing or upon the court record to a continuance to a date certain. If the defendant is incarcerated, the postponement or continuance cannot be for more than six (6) days or, if the defendant is not incarcerated, for more than twenty (20) days, unless on motion by or with the consent of the defendant the court orders a longer continuance or postponement.
CC 8-31
Dogs at Large
(1) Any person, who, after complaint has been made by any person, who shall serve a copy of said notice upon such person complained of, willfully or negligently permits any dog owned or possessed or harbored by him to be, or run, at large without a competent and responsible attendant or master, within the limits of any city, town, or village or who willfully or negligently fails, neglects or refuses to keep any such dog securely confined within the limits of his own premises when not under the immediate care and control of a competent and responsible attendant or master, shall be guilty of an infraction.
(2) Any dog which, when not physically provoked, physically attacks, wounds, bites or otherwise injures any person who is not trespassing, is vicious. It shall be unlawful for the owner or for the owner of premises on which a vicious dog is present to harbor a vicious dog outside a secure enclosure.
CC -It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, permit, or allow a dog(s) owned, harbored, controlledm or kept by them to roam, run or strya away from the premises in which the dog or dogs are kept except where they are kept under control by means of a leash not exceeding eight (8) feet in length.
Poisoning animals
Every person who wilfully administers any poisonous substance to an animal, the property of another, or maliciously places any poisonous substance where it would be found by an animal or where it would attract an animal, with the intent that the same shall be taken, ingested or absorbed by any such animal, is a felony.
Committing cruelty to animals
Every person who is cruel to any animal, or who causes or procures any animal to be cruelly treated, or who, having the charge or custody of any animal either as owner or otherwise, subjects any animal to cruelty shall, upon conviction, be punished in accordance with section 25-3520A, Idaho Code.
Any law enforcement officer or animal care and control officer, subject to the restrictions of section 25-3501A, Idaho Code, may take possession of the animal cruelly treated, and provide care for the same, until final disposition of such animal is determined in accordance with section 25-3520A or 25-3520B, Idaho Code.
Exhibition of cockfights
(1) Every person who participates in a public or private display of combat between two (2) or more gamecocks in which the fighting, killing, maiming or injuring of gamecocks is a significant feature is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Impounding without food or water
Any person who impounds, or causes to be impounded in any pound, any animal, must supply the same during such confinement with a sufficient quantity of wholesome food and clean water, and in default thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Animal Abuse Penalty
(4) If a person pleads guilty or is found guilty of an offense under this chapter (animal abuse), the court may issue an order terminating the person’s right to possession, title, custody or care of an animal that was involved in the offense or that was owned or possessed at the time of the offense.
Fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer
(1) Any driver of a motor vehicle who wilfully flees or attempts to elude a pursuing police vehicle when given a visual or audible signal to bring the vehicle to a stop, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The signal given by a peace officer may be by emergency lights or siren. The signal given by a peace officer by emergency lights or siren need not conform to the standards for decibel ratings or light visibility specified in section 49-623(3), Idaho Code. It is sufficient proof that a reasonable person knew or should have known that the visual or audible signal given by a peace officer was intended to bring the pursued vehicle to a stop.
(2) An operator who violates the provisions of subsection (1) and while so doing:
(a) Travels in excess of thirty (30) miles per hour above the posted speed limit;
(b) Causes damage to the property of another or bodily injury to another;
(c) Drives his vehicle in a manner as to endanger or likely to endanger the property of another or the person of another; or
(d) Leaves the state;
is guilty of a felony.
(3) The department shall suspend the driver’s license or privileges of a person who has pled guilty or is found guilty of a misdemeanor violation of the provisions of this section, for a minimum of one (1) year, which may extend to three (3) years, at the discretion of the court, during which time he shall have absolutely no driving privileges of any kind.
Vehicle Abandonment prohibited
(1) No person shall abandon a vehicle upon any highway.
(2) No person shall abandon a vehicle upon public or private property without the express or implied consent of the owner or person in lawful possession or control of the property.
Vehicle Abandonment Pressumptions
(1) The abandonment of any vehicle shall create a prima facie presumption that the last registered owner of record is responsible for the abandonment and is thereby liable for the costs incurred in the removal, storage and disposition of the vehicle, less any amount received from the disposition of the vehicle.
(2) The owner of any vehicle removed under extraordinary circumstances, or under the authority of section 49-662, Idaho Code, is presumed responsible for the vehicle and is thereby liable for the costs incurred in the removal, storage and disposition of the vehicle, less any amounts received from the disposition of the vehicle.
(3) If a vehicle is found abandoned or under extraordinary circumstances and is removed at the direction of any authorized officer, and is not redeemed by the owner or lienholder within seven (7) days of the tow, the last registered owner of record is guilty of a traffic infraction, unless the owner has filed a release of liability with the department according to section 49-526, Idaho Code, in which case the transferee shown on the release of liability shall be guilty of a traffic infraction.
Removal of stolen vehicle
(1) Any authorized officer, upon discovery of a vehicle reported as stolen and not recovered, may take the vehicle into custody and cause it to be taken to and stored in a suitable place, or may cause the vehicle to be placed in the custody of a tow truck operator, all expenses of towing and storage to be those of the vehicle owner unless otherwise determined according to the provisions of section 49-1805(5), Idaho Code.
(2) Within forty-eight (48) hours, excluding weekends and holidays, of the time that the vehicle is taken into custody and is stored pursuant to this chapter, the agency of which the officer is an agent shall give written notice by certified mail to the registered and legal owners of the vehicle, if known. The notice shall state:
(a) That the vehicle has been taken into custody and stored; and
(b) The location of storage of the vehicle.
Removal of abandoned vehicles by authorized officer
Any authorized officer within the jurisdiction in which a vehicle is located, **who has reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle has been abandoned, may remove the vehicle from a highway** or from public or private property to a garage or nearest place of safety. Upon discovery of an abandoned vehicle which is not within the class of vehicles defined under "extraordinary circumstances," an authorized officer **shall attach on the vehicle, in plain view, a notice that this vehicle will be towed away at the expiration of forty-eight (48) hours** as an abandoned vehicle. The notice shall contain the name of the officer who prepared the notice; the name of the agency employing the officer; the time and date of attaching the notice; the time and date after which the vehicle will be removed; the telephone number and address of the agency where further information can be obtained. **A reasonable attempt shall be made to notify by telephone the owner** of any vehicle which has current license plates and registration as shown on the records of the department, prior to the expiration of the forty-eight (48) hour notice period, of the location of the vehicle and the time and date of intent to remove the vehicle. The inability of an officer to notify the owner shall not preclude the removal of the vehicle at the expiration of the forty-eight (48) hour period.
Any vehicle which does not have current or any license plate attached may be immediately removed to a safe place of storage.
Vehicle Post-storage hearing
(1) Whenever an authorized officer directs the towing or storage of a vehicle, except vehicles impounded for investigation pursuant to section 49-1803, Idaho Code, the agency directing or authorizing towing or storage shall provide the vehicle’s registered and legal owners of record, or their agents, with the opportunity for a post-storage hearing to determine the validity of the storage.
(2) A notice of the storage shall be sent by certified mail to the registered and legal owners within forty-eight (48) hours, excluding the weekends and holidays, and shall include the following information:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the agency providing the notice;
(b) The location of the place of storage and description of the vehicle which shall include, if available, the name or make, identification number, the license plate number, and the mileage;
(c) The authority and purpose for the removal of the vehicle; and
(d) In order to receive a post-storage hearing, the owners, or their agents, must request the hearing in writing within ten (10) days of the date of the notice. Any such hearing shall be conducted within forty-eight (48) hours of the request, excluding weekends and holidays. The public agency may authorize its own officer or employee to conduct the hearing, so long as the hearing officer is not the same person who directed the storage of the vehicle.
(3) Failure of either the registered or legal owner, or his agent, to request or to attend a scheduled hearing shall satisfy the post-storage hearing requirement as to that person.
(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles removed from private property pursuant to section 49-1806(1), Idaho Code.
(5) The agency employing the person who directed the storage shall be responsible for the costs incurred for towing and storage if it is determined in the hearing that probable cause for the storage cannot be established.
Claiming of vehicles
(1) The owner of any vehicle removed under the provisions of this chapter except those vehicles impounded for investigation or suspected stolen, may take possession of the vehicle at any time prior to sale by proving ownership and paying the costs relative to towing and storing the vehicle and costs of advertising except as otherwise provided in section 49-1805, Idaho Code.
(2) A lienholder of any vehicle removed under the provisions of this chapter except those vehicles impounded for investigation or suspected stolen, may take possession of the vehicle at any time prior to the sale by proving the presence of the lien and by paying the costs relative to towing and storing the vehicle and costs of advertising. The lienholder may also take possession of the vehicle by purchasing the vehicle at the sale. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to abate any cause of action that a lienholder has against the owner of an abandoned vehicle.
Disposition of low-valued vehicles
(1) If the vehicle is appraised at a value not exceeding seven hundred fifty dollars ($750), the provisions of sections 49-1809 through 49-1811, Idaho Code, shall not apply, and the person or public agency which removed the vehicle shall:
(a) Prepare a certificate containing a description of the vehicle stating the appraised value of the vehicle and indicating one (1) of the following:
1. The agency which requested the tow has submitted a certified statement that a declaration of opposition has not been received.
2. The registered and legal owners have signed a certified release disclaiming any interest, which release shall be included with the certificate.
3. The vehicle is in a condition that vehicle identification numbers are not available to determine owners of record.
(b) Upon completion of the certificate, execute and deliver a bill of sale, together with a copy of the certificate, to the possessory lienholder, who shall endorse the bill of sale to an automobile parts dealer or to a scrap processor for disposal.
Operating vehicle without owner’s consent
Any person who shall operate a vehicle, not his own, without the consent of the owner, and with intent temporarily to deprive the owner of his possession of such vehicle, without intent to steal the vehicle, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, unless the damages or the value of property taken from the vehicle, or a combination exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000), felony. The consent of the owner of a vehicle to its taking or operating shall not in any case be presumed or implied because of such owner’s consent on a previous occasion to the taking or operating of the vehicle by the same or a different person. Any person who assists in, or is a party or accessory to or an accomplice in any unauthorized taking or operation shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Tampering with vehicle
Any person who shall without the consent of the owner or person in charge of a vehicle climb into or upon such vehicle with the intent to commit any crime, malicious mischief, or injury, or who while a vehicle is at rest and unattended shall attempt to manipulate any of the levers, starting crank or other starting device, brakes or other mechanism, or to set the vehicle in motion, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, except that the foregoing provisions shall not apply when the act is done in an emergency in furtherance of public safety or convenience or by or under the direction of an officer in the regulation of traffic or performance of any other official duty.
Officers authorized to remove vehicles
(1) Whenever any peace officer finds a vehicle in violation of any of the provisions of section 49-659, Idaho Code, the officer is authorized to move the vehicle, or require the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to move it to a position off the roadway.
(2) Any peace officer is authorized to remove or cause to be removed to a place of safety any unattended vehicle illegally left standing upon any highway in a position or under circumstances as to obstruct the normal movement of traffic.
(3) Any peace officer is authorized to remove or cause to be removed to the nearest garage or other place of safety any vehicle found upon a highway when:
(a) A report has been made that the vehicle has been stolen or taken without the consent of its owner; or
(b) The person or persons in charge of the vehicle are unable to provide for its custody or removal; or
(c) The person driving or in control of the vehicle is arrested for an alleged offense for which the officer is required by law to take the person arrested before a proper magistrate without unnecessary delay.
(4) Whenever any peace officer finds a vehicle inoperable as a result of an accident and standing upon a highway, the officer is authorized to require the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to have the vehicle removed from the scene of the accident to a position off the paved or main-traveled part of the highway. In the event that the owner of the vehicle is left incapacitated resulting from injuries suffered from the accident, the officer is authorized to have the inoperative vehicle moved from the scene to the nearest garage or other place of safety.
(5) A peace officer is authorized to require the removal from the main-traveled part of the highway cargo or debris caused by a motor vehicle accident, provided that:
(a) The accident occurs with no apparent serious personal injury or death; and
(b) The removal can be accomplished safely and the removal will result in the improved safety or convenience of travel on the highway.
(6) A transportation department employee in the exercise of the management, control and maintenance of a highway of the state highway system may assist in the removal from the main-traveled part of the highway cargo or debris caused by a motor vehicle accident when directed by a peace officer.
(7) Neither the peace officer nor transportation department employee, nor anyone acting under the direction of the officer is liable for damage to the motor vehicle, cargo or debris caused by reasonable efforts of removal.
(8) Nothing herein shall be construed to interfere with the duty of any city, county or state police officer to investigate and detect crime and enforce the penal, traffic or highway laws of this state or any political subdivision.
Application of Trafffic Laws to Bicycles
(1) Every person operating a vehicle propelled by human power or riding a bicycle shall have all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under the provisions of chapters 6 and 8 of this title, except as otherwise provided in this chapter and except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application.
(2) Every operator or rider of a bicycle or human-powered vehicle shall exercise due care.
Riding on bicycles.
(1) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride an attached permanent and regular seat.
(2) No bicycle or human-propelled vehicle shall be used to carry more persons at one (1) time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.
(3) An adult rider may carry a child securely attached to his person in a backpack or sling or in a child carrier attached to the bicycle.
Clinging to or following vehicles
Fine $66.50
(1) No person riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller skates, skateboard, sled or toy vehicle shall attach it or himself to any vehicle upon a highway.
(3) No person riding upon any bicycle or human-powered vehicle shall follow a vehicle so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard to the rider.
Position on highway
(1) Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations:
(a) When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
(b) When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
(c) When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions including fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards or substandard width lanes that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge.
(2) Any person operating a bicycle upon a one-way roadway with two (2) or more marked traffic lanes may ride as near the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway as practicable.
Riding two abreast
Persons riding bicycles upon a highway shall not ride more than two (2) abreast except on paths or parts of highways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons riding two (2) abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane.
Carrying articles
No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the operator from using at least one (1) hand in the control and operation of the bicycle.
Turn and stop signals
(1) A person operating a bicycle or human-powered vehicle approaching a stop sign shall slow down and, if required for safety, stop before entering the intersection. After slowing to a reasonable speed or stopping, the person shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time the person is moving across or within the intersection or junction of highways, except that a person after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, may cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping.
(2) A person operating a bicycle or human-powered vehicle approaching a steady red traffic control light shall stop before entering the intersection and shall yield to all other traffic. Once the person has yielded, he may proceed through the steady red light with caution. Provided however, that a person after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, may cautiously make a right-hand turn. A left-hand turn onto a one-way highway may be made on a red light after stopping and yielding to other traffic.
(3) A person riding a bicycle shall comply with the provisions of section 49-643, Idaho Code.
(4) A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given during not less than the last one hundred (100) feet traveled by the bicycle before turning, provided that a signal by hand and arm need not be given if the hand is needed in the control or operation of the bicycle.
Bicycles on sidewalks
(1) A person operating a bicycle upon and along a sidewalk, or across a highway upon and along a crosswalk, shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian or another bicyclist.
(2) A person shall not operate a bicycle along and upon a sidewalk or across a highway upon and along a crosswalk, where the use of bicycles is prohibited by official traffic control devices.
(3) A person operating a vehicle by human power, or operating a motorized wheelchair or an electric personal assistive mobility device upon and along a sidewalk, or across a highway upon and along a crosswalk, shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances.
Bicycle racing
(1) Bicycle racing on the highways is prohibited except as authorized in this section.
(2) Bicycle racing on a highway shall not be unlawful when a racing event has been approved by the department or local law enforcement authorities on any highway under their respective jurisdictions. Approval of bicycle highway racing events shall be granted only under conditions which assure reasonable safety for all race participants, spectators and other highway users, and which prevent unreasonable interference with traffic flow which would seriously inconvenience other highway users.
(3) By agreement with the approving authority, participants in an approved bicycle highway racing event may be exempt from compliance with any traffic laws otherwise applicable, provided that traffic control is adequate to assure the safety of all highway users.
Light and reflector required at night
Every bicycle in use at the times described in section 49-903, Idaho Code, shall be operated with a light emitting device visible from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet to the front, attached to the bicycle or the rider, and with a reflector clearly visible from the rear of the bicycle.
CC 8-12
Dangerous Animals Prohibited
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any wild or dangerous animal for display or exhibition purposes.
Any animal that has attacked or bitten any person or other animal, without cause, may be seized by a police officer or other citizen.
CC 8-22
Levels of dangerous dogs
Any dog which exhibits a known inclination or tendency to attack or bite a person or other animal… may be declared a dangerous dog.
Level 1: a dog, while at large is found to menace, chase and dislplay threatening or aggressive behavior or otherwise threaten or endager the safety or any person or animal.
Level 2
CC 8-23
Dog License
The keeping of any dog within the city is hereby forbidden and unlawful, unless the owner procures a license from the city.
CC 8-32
Dog Offenses - Barking Dogs
No person owning, harboring, controlling, or keeping any dog shall permit the dog to:
(1) Behave in a “dangerous” manner per levels 1 through 3.
(2) Scatter garbage, refuse or debris.
(3) Chase any person, vehicle or animal.
(4) Deposit fecal material on any property that is not their own without the owner immediately removing it.
(5) Bark, howl, or otherwise cause noise which disturbs or is likely to disturb the peace and quiet of any person.
CC 8-9
Cruelty, killing, or otherwise mistreating animals
It is unlawful for any person to maliciously kill, maim or wound an animal, the property of another, or for any person having the charge or custody of any animal, to subject any animal to needless suffering or to invlict any unnecessary cruelty upon the same… to abuse an animal or failt to provide the same with proper food, drink, veterinary care, shelter or protection from weather.
No person shall intentionally annoy, harass, or taunt any confined animal within the city.
No person shall kill or injure any wild birds within the city, unless English Sparrows, starlings or feral pigeons.
PM 2.12
Impoundment Of Vehicles
A. The department recognizes that vehicles occasionally must be impounded for a variety of reasons. Further, the department has the responsibility to inventory impounded vehicles to insure protection from loss, theft, damage and to protect the officer and citizen from potential danger. Any inventory is to provide:
1. Protection of contents.
2. Protection of the department against civil claims.
3. Protection of the public and officers by determination of whether the vehicle contains any hazardous substances.
A. Non Emergency Abandonment
1. Upon receiving the initial complaint, the responding officer will use all means within reason to contact the owner and have the vehicle removed without any further involvement by the police department.
2. If the owner cannot be located and remove the vehicle, the officer will attach a 48-hour sticker upon the vehicle.
3. After placing a 48-hour notice upon the vehicle, the officer will make a report that details the attempts to contact the owner and the fact that the vehicle has been tagged.
4. The shift supervisor will review the report for completeness. The report will be routed to the Watch I Supervisor.
5. The Watch I Supervisor will hold the report until the 48 hours has elapsed, then the report will be given to the district officer to check the status of the vehicle.
If the vehicle has been moved, the officer will write a supplemental report.
6. When the vehicle has not been moved, thus making it necessary to tow, the officer will have the contracted tow service respond and take possession of (impound) the vehicle. The officer will complete the impound sheet (Appendix A). The yellow sheet will be sent to Community Programs. Community Programs has the responsibility of determining the appraisal value of the vehicle.
7. Notice of Storage and Notice of Intent to Dispose, must be completed for each registered owner and any lien holders. For those registered owners living with the same last name and at the same address, only one form is necessary.
8. Completed forms, supplemental reports or teletype printouts will be routed to Community Programs.
9. Community Programs will be responsible for mailing the necessary forms to the various named owners/lien holders, and completing the process when the forms are returned.
B. Extraordinary Circumstances Abandonment I.C. 49-1803, (1)
- If a vehicle is abandoned under extraordinary circumstances, law enforcement may, in the discretion of the officer, direct the immediate towing of the vehicle, and may process (impound) the vehicle under the standard abandoned vehicle procedure.
- Extraordinary circumstances include any situation where an emergency exists or public safety is endangered, or any situation in which a vehicle;
a. Is blocking or impeding traffic; or,
b. Is causing a hazard; or,
c. Has the potential of impeding any emergency vehicle; or,
d. Is impeding any snow removal or other road maintenance operations; or,
e. Has been stolen, but not yet reported as recovered; or,
f. Is not registered or displays a license plate registration tag which has been expired. - Extraordinary circumstances may also include situations where the vehicle has not technically been “abandoned” and yet impounding is justified for other reasons, for example:
a. The registered owner or person having responsibility for the vehicle has been arrested and no suitable agent is available or acceptable.
b. The vehicle has been forfeited pursuant to Idaho Code, Title 37, Chapter 27.
C. Inventory Of Impounded Vehicles
- Whenever a vehicle is impounded, it is in the custody of the department until it is released to its owner, his/her agent or other authorized person. During the time it is in the custody of the department, the vehicle and its contents must be protected from loss through theft and damage from neglect or malicious injury. Re: General Order 2.13 (Motor Vehicle Inventories)
- Whenever a vehicle is impounded, the officer who initiated the impound shall conduct a complete and thorough inventory of the interior of the vehicle to include the passenger compartment, glove box, trunk, and any other containers, whether closed or unclosed, in the vehicle. Re: General Order 2.13 (Motor Vehicle Inventories)
- The officer shall record fully and accurately the contents of the vehicle on the vehicle impound sheet and subsequent continuation sheets. Items of inconsequential value need not be recorded. Re: General Order 2.13 (Motor Vehicle Inventories)
- Large sums of money or any items deemed by the officer to be valuable shall be taken for safekeeping and placed into evidence pursuant to General Order 3.02 (Evidence/Property Control Policy and Procedure)
PM 2.13
Motor Vehicle Inventories
A motor vehicle inventory is an administrative measure designed to protect motor vehicles and their contents while in police custody; to protect the agency against claims of lost, stolen or damaged property; and to protect departmental personnel and the public against injury or damaged property due to hazardous materials or substances that may be in the vehicle. It is the policy of this law enforcement agency to safeguard the above property and interests and to conduct motor vehicle inventories in accordance with the following procedures.
A. Legal Authority to Inventory
1. An authorized member of this agency may conduct a motor vehicle inventory without a warrant or probable cause when:
a. The vehicle has been lawfully seized or impounded pursuant to the arrest of the driver, or the discovery that the driver is ineligible to operate the vehicle, or for related enforcement or safety reasons as defined by city, county, state or federal law or regulations.
2. Examination of the contents of a motor vehicle pursuant to a criminal investigation or with the intent of discovering evidence of a crime is a search, not an administrative inventory.
B. Scope of Inventory
- The contents of all motor vehicles that are lawfully seized and/or impounded by this agency shall be subject to inventory in accordance with the provisions of Section III – A of this policy.
- An inventory should be conducted in the location at which the vehicle is seized unless limited by reasons of safety or practicality. If so, it may be inventoried at a later time and location following impoundment.
- The owner or operator of the vehicle shall be given the opportunity, if possible, to remove valuables from the vehicle prior to impoundment. In the event that an owner or operator wishes to remove valuable items and some of them cannot physically be removed from the vehicle, the items shall be noted on the inventory and a copy shall be provided to the person or left in the vehicle.
- A motor vehicle inventory may extend to all areas of the vehicle in which personal property or hazardous materials may reasonably be found, including, but not limited to the passenger compartment, trunk and glove compartment.
- All closed containers found within the vehicle shall be opened for purposes of the inventory. Closed and locked containers should not be forced open, if significant damage will result, but the container can be opened by use of a locksmith or other non-damaging methods. If a key or lock combination is available, locked containers may be opened and inventoried. Questions about opening closed and locked containers should be directed to the on-duty supervisor.
C. Property Control
- Non-evidence items of low monetary value may be left in the vehicle and under the control of the impound/storage company. Evidence or material of high monetary value shall be handled under the evidence policy. Questions about the proper handling of the items should be directed to the on-duty supervisor.
- Control and safekeeping of hazardous materials shall be the responsibility of this agency’s designated authority.
- Contraband, evidence and seized items discovered during the course of a motor vehicle inventory shall be deposited with the evidence custodian in accordance with procedures pursuant to General Order 3.02, Evidence/ Property Control Policy and Procedure).
PM 2.20
Animal Control Officer Call Out Procedure
A. Personnel Authorized To Call Out The Animal Control Officer
1. The on-duty supervisor will have the authority to call out the Animal Control Officer when the following criteria is present: a. A vicious animal, as defined by City Code 8-22, is loose and must be controlled and/or destroyed. b. An animal has injured a person and the incident requires follow-up and a prolonged investigation. c. When officers are involved in situations (other than animal complaints) leaving no officers clear to handle emergency animal complaints.