FSA- Balance Sheet- Reading 25 Flashcards
Balance Sheet Components
Asset= Liability + Owners Equity
Formats of B/S Presentation
i) Current & Non-Current Classification: Classifying the items into subcategories based on usage & liquidity
ii) Liquidity based Classification: No separate subclassifications, instead items are put in order of decreasing liquidity.
Current Assets
i) Cash & Cash Equivalents
ii) Marketable Securities
iii) Trade Receivables
iv) Inventories
v) Other Current Assets
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash equivalents are highly liquid securities that usually mature in less than 90 days
i) Amortised cost or Fair value
Amortised cost- Historical cost adjusted for impairment or amortisation.
Fair value- amount at which asset is exchanged b/w knowledgable & willing parties.
Marketable Securities
Investments in debt and equity securities that are traded on public markets. Their balance sheet values are based on market price.
Trade Receivables
Measured at Net Realisable value (approx fair value based on collectability)
i) Under IFRS, inventory is reported at the lower of cost and net realizable value (NRV).
ii) Under U.S. GAAP, inventory is reported at the lower of cost and market.
Other Current Assets
i) Prepaid Expenses
ii) Deferred Tax Asset- when a company’s taxes payable exceed its income tax expense, kind of prepayment of Income Tax, hence counted as Assets.
Current Liabilities
i) Accounts Payable
ii) Notes Payable
iii) Current portion of long-term liabilities
iv) Income Tax Payable
v) Accrued Liabilities
vi) Unearned/ Deferred Revenue
Non Current Assets
i) Property Plant & Equipment (PPE)
ii) Investment Property
iii) Intangible Assets
Property Plant & Equipment (PPE)
IFRS- Valued using Cost or Revaluation model
GAAP- Only Cost model for reporting.
Investment Property
IFRS- Valued using Cost or Revaluation model.
GAAP- No specific definition for Investment Property.
Intangible Assets
IFRS- Valued using Cost or Revaluation model
GAAP- Only Cost model for reporting.
Identifiable Intangibles
E.g- Patent, Copyrights, Trademarks, Franchises, Licences etc.
Identifiable Intangibles may be internally created or acquired.
If internally created, research phase & development phase needs to be identified.
Research Phase- Expense all the cost incurred
Development Phase- cost can be capitalised, provided, there is enough assurance about technological feasibility, project completion.
Accounting Goodwill- Based on a/c standards, and reported at time of acquisition.
Economic Goodwill- Based on Co’s performance and future prospects.