FS lawglossary 1 establish 112 Flashcards
- a proportional reduction of a legacy under a will when assets out of which such legacy are payable are not sufficient to pay it in full.
the physical possession of the dead human body or other property.
Actual custody -
the extinction or withdrawal of an inheritance because the decedent did not own the named property at the time of death.
governmental body created by legislation empowered to regulate and issue rules and regulations.
Administrative agency -
that body of law created by Federal and State administrative agencies through implementation of powers and duties in the form of rules, regulations, orders and decisions (e.g., OSHA, FTC, state board rules and regulations).
Administrative law -
the man/woman who is appointed by the court to settle the estate of a decedent who died without a last Will and Testament. (see also personal representative)
Administrator/ Administratrix
those drivers under the directions and control of the funeral establishment which is liable for the driver’s negligent actions.
Agent driver
federal statute prohibiting discrimination against the disabled in employment, public transportation, telecommunications services, and public accommodations and services operated by private entities.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -
the process by which a person engages in learning the practice of funeral directing and/or embalming under instruction, direction or personal supervision of a duly licensed funeral director and/or embalmer.
Apprenticeship (internship/resident training)-
person who receives personal property from another as a bailment.
delivery of personal property by one person (the bailor) to another (the bailee) who holds the property for a
person who delivers personal property to another as a bailment.
gift of personal property by will.
Bequest (legacy)
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act part defines as organs, tissues, eyes, bones, arteries, blood, other fluids and other portions. After removal of a body part, without unnecessary mutilation, the custody of the remainder of the body rests with the person who otherwise has the right to control final disposition.
Body parts -
total and irreversible cessation of brain function as indicated by a flat EEG reading.
Brain death
laws, ordinances and government regulations setting forth requirements for construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use or appearance of buildings.
Building code -
the act of placing the dead human body in the ground.
Burial (interment/inhumement) -
a dead human body intended solely for scientific study and dissection.
appellate court decisions that establish precedential principles.
Case law
addition or supplement to a last will and testament executed with the same formality of the will that amends part or all of a will.
any carrier required by law to convey passengers or freight without refusal if the approved fare or charge is paid (e.g., airline, train, etc.).
Common carrier
non legislated principles and rules of action predicated upon usages and customs which the court considers binding on the community.
Common law -
the fundamental law that establishes the government, limits what government can and cannot do and states the underlying principles to which the government will conform.
agreement between two or more competent persons which is enforceable by law.
provides transportation for compensation only to those with whom it desires to do business (e.g., livery service)
Contract carrier
the situation whereby one party has a right to acquire actual custody/possession of the dead body although another party has actual physical possession.
Constructive custody
the body of a dead human being, deprived of life, but not yet entirely disintegrated.
Corpse (dead human body) -
action in violation of constitution, statues, or ordinances, e.g., treason, felony, misdemeanor.
status associated with funeral service practitioner/funeral establishment who becomes legal protector of dead human body from time of removal until final disposition.
the cessation of life; permanent cessations of all vital functions and signs.
relationship to decedent of his relatives; each generation is one degree, counting to a common ancestor.
Degree of kindred
gift of real estate; the act/process of transferring ownership of real property. (Devise applies to both transfers as well as by wills.)
the person who receives real property through the process of a devise.
the removal of a human remains from previous location of final disposition.
Disinterment (exhumation) -
the attention reasonably expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a person who seeks to satisfy a legal requirement or to discharge an obligation.
Due diligence
exists when one person appoints an agent; agent status which will become or remain effective in the event the original party she should later become incapacitated.
Durable power of attorney -
person, properly licensed, who disinfects, preserves, and/or restores a dead human body.
Embalmer -
the inherent power of a government to take private property for public use. In the U.S. just compensation to the property owner(s) is required.
Eminent domain -
the placing of a remains in a crypt in a mausoleum.
governmental agency with environmental protection regulatory and enforcement authority.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
forfeiture of a decedent’s property to the state in the absence of heirs.
funeral service, a vehicle used to hold monies paid on prefunded contracts and beyond the control of the funeral director
Escrow account
the property of a deceased person, both real and/or personal.
physical and/or emotional separation for a period of time showing the lack of affection, trust and regard.
man/woman appointed by the will of a deceased person to carry out the provisions thereof and settle the estate. (see also personal representative)
Executor/ Executrix -
an agency of the federal government created in 1914 to promote free and fair competition by prevention of trade restraints, price fixing, false advertising and other unfair methods of competition.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
the conclusive performance of services with respect to the dead human body by one of 48 the legally recognized methods.
Final disposition -
a person properly licensed, engaged in, or conducting, or holding himself/herself out as being engaged in preparing, other than by embalming, for the burial or disposition of dead human bodies.
Funeral director (Funeral service practitioner)
facility used in the care and preparation for the funeral and/or final disposition of dead human bodies.
Funeral establishment-