Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals And Eggs Flashcards
What is the origin of fruit?
Most grew wild but around 11,000 years ago people began to farm them. Fruit is now grown and traded globally.
Why causes apples to be green?
The green of apples is due to chlorophyll.
What causes the yellowness of apricots and lemons?
The yellow of apricots and lemons is because of carotenoids.
What causes the red and blue of grapes?
The red and blue colour of grapes is due to anthocyanins.
Which acid causes apples, pears, peaches and apricots to have a tangy flavour?
Malic acid causes them to have a tangy flavour.
What acid causes the tanginess in oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes?
Citric acid is responsible for the sour flavour of these fruits.
What causes the tangy flavour in grapes?
Tartaric acid causes the tanginess in grapes.
What acid causes the tangy flavour of pineapples?
Oxalic acid.
What are the main nutrients in fruit?
- Carbohydrates (contains sucrose, Glucose and Frucose. Starch is also present.)
- Fibre (found in cell walls of fruit)
- Vitamins (Vit A, Vit C)
- Water (high water content)
What causes the sweetness in fruit?
What is fructose?
Fructose is a monosaccharide which is a simple sugar.
What is the form of starch in fruit?
The starch in fruit is in the form of pectin.
What is pectin?
Pectin is a complex polysaccharide found in the cell walls of many fruits.
How does pectin make jam set?
Pectin forms a gel with sugar in acid conditions and this is what makes the jam set.
What fruits are a part of the melon family?
Watermelon, cantaloupe and honey dew.
What family is the melon family apart of and where does it grow?
The squash family and they grow on vines.
What is the typical appearance of melons?
Hard outer rind or skin and juicy flesh.
What fruit are members of the citrus family?
Oranges, grapefruit, lemon and mandarin.
What are inside citrus fruits?
They have segments or carpels which contain juice filled sacs. The sacs are surrounded by the segment membrane.
What fruits are a part of the berry family?
Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry.
What is the appearance of berries?
They are single fruits formed from plant ovaries and they have clusters of small fruit, each with tiny segments filled with juice and seed.
What is the appearance of a pome fruit?
Pome have a compartmented core that contains the seed. The core is surrounded by juicy flesh and there is an indentation in the core end of the fruit.
What fruits are in the drupes/stone fruit family?
Apricots, plum, peaches, nectarines and cherries.
What is inside a stone/drupe fruit?
Stone fruit are juicy and have soft flesh. The flesh surrounds a hard stone that contains a seed.
What fruits are in the tropical family?
Bananas, pineapples and mangoes.
How do tropical fruit grow?
Tropical fruit grow in a variety of different ways that all require a moist and tropical environment to grow in.
What fruits are part of the vine family?
Grapes, kiwi fruit and passion fruit.
How do vine fruits grow?
These fruits grow in a vine and grow either in bunches or as a single fruit.
What climate do temperate fruits need to grow in?
A cold season.
What climates do subtropical fruits grow in?
These fruits require warm conditions but can survive light frosts.
What climate do tropical fruits grow in?
These fruits cannot tolerate temperatures that drop close to freezing point.
What if the definition of fruit?
Fruit is the matured ovaries of flowers; or the edible pulp and fleshy layer around a seed.