Fruit fly polyandry Flashcards
Price et al. (2010)
Females of most animal species are …, with individual females usually mating with … … … male
polyandrous, more than one
The ubiquity of polyandry is enigmatic because…
of the high costs to females of multiple mating
Current theory on polyandry largely focuses on its benefit to … …, and there is also evidence that polyandrous clades … more rapidly
individual females, speciate
Which species does this study look at?
The fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura
This study demonstrates that mating with multiple males protects the fruit fly against … caused by a … …-…-… element
extinction, sex-ratio-distorting
This suggests that polyandry in nature may be associated not only with individual benefits to females, but also increased … over time of polyandrous species
The study also shows that female … behaviour can determine the frequency of sex-ratio distorters in populations
This may be true for many other … genetic elements in natural populations
In males that carry the SR gene in their sperm are likely to have lower sperm counts due to the death of the non-driving gene. This means that…
if a female mates with multiple males, those males who aren’t carrying the SR gene are more likely to outcompete those who are in sperm competition, due to them having more sperm competing - more likely to father offspring
If carrying males father fewer than … as many offspring as nondriving males the … chromosome will be less successful
Thus extinction of a population due to the fixing of a sex-regulating gene and therefore elimination of one sex is more likely…
in monandrous populations (females have single sexual partner)
This study looked at drosophila populations maintained in either … or … conditions in the presence of the driving SR chromosome and compared them
monandrous, polyandrous
Loss of … of sperms in SR carriers
half - poor sperm competitors
Monoandrous populations showed….
significantly higher proportions of SR males than polyandrous populations
… of (12) monoandrous populations went extinct within … generations. In contrast, all … polyandrous populations survived. - significantly more likely to go extinct
40%, 15, 36