Frontline Policing Panel Flashcards
Panel Members
Daniel Wong
* 2 year Constable - Coquitlam RCMP
Megan Lui
* 4 year Constable - VPD
Sam Zacharias
* 7 year Constable - Port Moody PD
How would you describe the police with one word and why?
Daniel Wong:
Dynamic - Job is always changing
Megan Lui:
Bridge or connector - Bridge between arrested people and mental hospital, counsel, etc.
Sam Zacharias:
Stopgap - Last line of defense, deal with everything in society, band-aid, deal with short-term problems regularly
At what point in your life did you decide you wanted to become a police officer, was there a particular event or person that inspired that interest?
Daniel Wong - Had an interest in policing since a young age. Coach in high school was a VPD officer, and was a positive role model towards him
Megan Lui - Went into an info session and thought she could do policing for the rest of her life. Better than her last occupation.
Sam Zacharias - Always had an interest in police. He did an intro to policing class in university as well
How did your family and friends react to you becoming a police officer?
Daniel Wong - Family was a bit hesitant because of stereotypes in policing (alcoholics, dangerous, etc.) He lost many friends as he started the job because they were not positive role models
Megan Lui - Family was not very supportive as policing was unknown ground for them. They are now very proud of her
Sam Zacharias - Parents wanted him to be a lawyer because policing is dangerous. His friends are “birds of a feather in a flock” (similar attitudes and interests). This shows self-selection
What excites you most about patrol work and are there any elements of patrol work that you find particularly satisfying or rewarding?
Daniel Wong - Driving fast in police car, catching bad guys, and gaining public trust
Megan Lui - Driving fast in police car, satisfaction of solving one of her cases (B&E), gaining public trust
Sam Zacharias - Driving fast in police car, certain files that he finds rewarding (working with victim closely and building repore with them)
What is The Most Challenging Part About Patrol Work, and Have Your Perceptions of These Challenges Changed Over The Course of Your Career?
Daniel Wong - Being the face of CJS and having no say in changing it
Megan Lui - Frustrating when she recognizes a suspect from many prior arrests on them, and has no say in what happens to criminal after the arrest - has to live with the results
Sam Zacharias - Paperwork frustrates him because policework has become much more legalistic than it was in the past. He would rather spend that time doing real policework
What is the most common or frequent call for service that you attend as a patrol officer in your community?
Daniel Wong - Most common call is a check for well-being (mental health)
Megan Lui - Most common call is check for well-being, and homeless people
Sam Zacharias - Most common call is to assist the general public (check for well-being, refusal to leave property, bullying at school, etc.)
What percentage of calls for service do you find issues that are not directly related to crime?
Daniel Wong - 75% not related to crime, 20-25% related to crime
Megan Lui - 80% are mental health, other 20% are criminal offences
Sam Zacharias - 75% not criminal offences
What is The Biggest misconception that the public has about patrol work?
Daniel Wong - That police work is black and white. People think of it as right or wrong but there is lots of decision-making involved
Megan Lui - At protests, people yell at her due to preconceptions of police, but she herself has nothing to do with them
Sam Zacharias - Use of force is the last option, first is presence, and then other tools they have
How does fear manifest itself in frontline policing and how do you manage fear and uncertainty as a police officer?
Daniel Wong - Presence of fear and how it manifests happens over your career. Different things affect you differently. Have a healthy respect for that fear, and stay physically fit and disciplined.
Megan Lui - Ex. She was called to a stabbing scene with no information, and was very scared as she was the first on the scene
Sam Zacharias - Fear plays a big role and you need to learn to manage it. People rely on the police so they are not allowed to show signs of fear, they are relieved by their presence.
Reflecting back on your career, has your experience working in patrol been what you have expected and why or why not?
Daniel Wong - He knew and expected what he was getting into whcih was good
Megan Lui - Little more doe-eyed, found most of her calls to be about mental health which was not something she had expected
Sam Zacharias - Did his homework on policing, through volunteer and work with some agencies
Words of advice for aspiring applicants
Daniel Wong - No one person that makes a good police officer. Be you, have hobbies, and continue to do those things. Dont centre your life around the job. Also helps you to relate to the people you serve on the job
Megan Lui - Live your life, the job will always be there. She applied once and did not get in so she started to travel. After, she re-applied and got in
Sam Zacharias - Very competitive field, have to really want it. Do your homework and get involved.
* His agency looks at education, work experience, life experience, volunteering. Life experience is most important