Frontiers of Particle Physics 1 Flashcards
What is the EM photon-fermion-antifermion coupling?
*i.e: for an extra loop: extra factor of alpha (1/137)
In what case can we make perturbative calculations for QCD processes?
Because gluons carry colour charge there is a self-interaction: this leads to running of the coupling (decreases at higher energy due to gluon anti-shielding).
This is called asymptotic freedom and allows us to make perturbative calculations a high energy.
What kind of colliders were LEP and Fermilab?
LEP was an e+e- collider
Fermilab was a proton-antiproton collider
What are the dominant and subdominant production methods for the Higgs boson at the LHC?
What was the discovery decay mode for the Higgs?
Gluon-gluon fusion via a top quark.
subdominant: vector boson fusion
Higgs -> gamma gamma was the discovery channel, despite having an extremely low cross-section compared to other decay modes.
How many free parameters does the standard model have?
How can we constrain these and test the standard model?
18 (couplings, masses, CKM mixing angles)
+7 in the neutrino sector
Loop corrections result in predictions for the relationships between these parameters.
What are some limitations of the Standard Model?
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
CP asymmetry problem
Why 3 generations?
Higgs mechanism for neutrinos (no RH neutrinos)
Grand Unification
What are the “Three Frontiers” of particle physics?
Energy frontier
-new heavy particles
Intensity frontier
-precision measurement / BSM behaviour
-neutrino interactions/proton decay
Cosmic Frontier (non-accelerator)
-neutrino/dark matter detectors
-dark energy
What are some examples of different experiments working on the three frontiers of particle physics?
Energy: LHC (ILC,FCC in future)
Intensity: LHCb, DUNE
Cosmic: IceCube, DUNE
What are the natural units of cross-section?
How are bubble chamber images created?
Charged particles pass through a medium, ionising atoms.
Vapour condenses onto these ions, creating a path of tiny liquid drops.
What describes energy loss via ionization?
The Bethe Bloch formula gives an equation for energy loss per unit path length.
What extra terms does the QM form of the Bethe-Bloch formula contain?
The ionization energy of the atoms in the medium.
A dielectric screening term (only important at high energy)
QM shell corrections related to the frequency of electron atomic orbitals (only relevant at low energy)
What is “specific energy loss”?
What about “mass stopping power”?
For energy loss via ionization:
1: Energy loss per unit path length
2: specific energy loss / mass density of medium
What dependence does the Bethe-Bloch formula have on the medium?
Linearly dependent on mass density.
Linearly dependent on Z/A
Also dependent on ionization energy
What is the main dependence of the Bethe-Bloch formula on the incident particle?
Strong dependence on velocity
proportional to 1/ beta^2
proportional to ln(gamma^2)
Proportional to charge squared
What does “minimum ionization” refer to?
What is the rate of energy loss for a minimim ionizing particle?
The momentum of an incident particle such that the rate of energy loss in a medium is minimized.
This is at around beta*gamma = 3-4 for all particles.
MIP’s lose energy with stopping power 2 MeV / g cm^-2
Describe the full stopping power regime.
What does “critical energy” refer to in this context?
Check notes!!!!!
Critical energy refers to the momentum scale where energy loss to ionization is equal to energy loss to bremsstrahlung.
How is the energy loss of a particle in a medium distributed?
*as well as distribution based on incident particle and medium parameters, ionisation is a stochastic process, so is described by some p.d.f.
*energy straggling and range straggling
Landau distribution for charged particles that easily escape the medium.
Bragg curve for particles that do not easily traverse the medium (speed is significantly reduced) –> bragg peak
What is specific ionization?
The average number of electron-ion pairs created per unit path length.
What would be the ideal range - energy loss distribution for radiation used for tumor therapy?
Very sharp bragg peak –> majority of dose deposited at a precise depth.
How does a scintillation detector work?
What are their benefits?
Lost energy is converted to light (usually visible - good for photomultipliers) in the scintillating medium via excitation/de-excitation.
Cheap, efficient, good time resolution
What is the difference between organic and inorganic scintillators?
Organic scintillators work via the excitation of electron states in atoms.
-better time resolution (~1ns)
Inorganic scintillators work via excitation of “excitons” from a valence band to a conduction band.
-worse time resolution (~500ns)
-higher stopping power
–>more compact
–>better energy resolution (more light yield)
What is Cherenkov radiation and when does it happen?
Occurs when a charged particle moves faster than light through a medium. v > c/n
-particles in the medium polarize creating EM pulses that spread out uniformly from the position of the particle.
-once the particle speed is faster than the EM pulse propagation, there is constructive interference between the wavefronts.
- this light is usually in the blue / UV range: good for photomultipliers
How can Cherenkov radiation be used to calculate particle velocity?
What is the relevant formula?
The angle of cherenkov emission is dependent on the velocity of the particle.
theta = arccos(1/ beta * n)
How can Cherenkov radiation be used for particle ID?
e.g: electrons will result in a shower so there will be multiple cherenkov emission cones –> diffuse ring
muons will produce a well defined ring as they do not easily interact
How does a photomultiplier tube work?
Detects photons in the near infrared - UV range
-Scintillator photocathode produces photoelectrons.
-Photoelectron is amplified via multiplication - passes between multiple dynodes with increasing voltage.
What is transition radiation?
Radiation emitted when a relativistic charged particle passes between two homogenous materials with different dielectric constants.
-intensity (E) proportional to gamma*m
-emission at small angle proportional to 1/gamma
-photons emitted in the X-ray range
What does a transition radiation tracker look like?
Layers of foam and straws.
-foam allows for lots of transitions - lots of transition radition
-straws detect the transition radiation.
Describe the distribution of photon attenutation at different energy scales.
Check notes
-photoelectric effect (+rayleigh scattering)
-compton scattering
-pair production
Describe an EM shower
Shower develops via bremsstrahlung and pair production.
Until at an energy where compton/photoelectric effects dominate (<10MeV) and the shower stops branching.
Energy described by E_0 * [e ^ (-x / L_R)]
-for high initial energy only
-L_R is radiation length
How is the attenuation of photon intensity via pair production described?
exponential distribution:
I_0 * e^(- 7x / 9L_R)
L_R is the radiation length describing electron energy attenuation
How can we judge the energy of the initial particle from a shower process?
The shower multiplicity is directly proportional to the incident energy.
What is the moliere radius?
The radius of a cylinder that contains 90% of the shower energy.
R ~ 0.0265 * L_R * (Z + 1.2)
What are some differences between hadronic and EM showers?
Length scales generally larger for hadronic
Broader transverse profiles for hadronic
Larger variability (more complex) for hadronic due to more allowed interactions.
–>more missing energy
–>worse resolution than EM calorimeters
How do we define nuclear interaction length?
The mean distance a single hadron travels before initiating an INELASTIC interaction.
How does a silicon tracking detector work?
What is the main benefit?
Incident charged particle deposits electrons/holes in the detector medium along the track.
These charges drift (separate) due to EM field.
This drift induces a current which is detected.
Gives very good position resolution.
What are some challenges and solutions faced by silicon tracking detectors?
Radiation hardness
-use radiation hard materials (e.g: diamond)
-use 3D electrode arrangement
–>decreases drift path limiting the negative effect of radiation damage
What is primary vertex resolution?
The resolution in the position of the primary vertices for each bunch crossing.
What are some common trigger requirements?
Isolated leptons
Central and forward jets
Higher transverse energy
Large missing energy
What is the difference between the (approximate) way in which statistical and systematic uncertainties scale?
stat ~ 1/ sqrt(N)
sys ~ C + 1/sqrt(N)
*there will be a point at which sys uncertainties become dominant: no longer advantageous to take more data
What is a nuisance parameter?
An additional confounding parameter that is added to account for imperfect accounting for systematic uncertainties.
These are usually gaussian or log-normal distributed.
O(100) nuisance parameters will be used for a single analysis.