Frontal lobe Flashcards
Limites del lobulo frontal
- anterior al surco central y lobulo parietal
- Anterior y superior al surco lateral o fisura de silvio y el lobulo temporal
divisiones del lobulo frontal
corteza motora primaria , corteza motora de asociacion , frontal eye fields , corteza pre frontal y area de broca
funciones y ubicacion de la corteza motora primaria
- anterior al surco central
- involucrada en movimiento voluntario particularmente de los musculos esqueleticos
funciones y ubicacion de la corteza motora de asociacion
o consisting of two specific areas:
Premotor Cortex.
Supplementary Motor Area.
Both anterior to the Primary Motor Cortex
Planning, Sequence, and Execution of movement.
Frontal Eye Fields function and location
Anterior to the Motor Association Cortex.
Voluntary rapid eye movements.
pre frontal cortex function and location
Anterior to the Frontal Eye Fields Memory Learning Motor |planning Personality Behavior
brocas area function and location
Superior to temporal lobe, anterior to Primary
Motor Cortex.
predominantly in the dominant hemisphere (e.g.
Right-Handed people in Left Frontal Lobe)
muscles of speech
location of the primary motor cortex
pre central gyrus
Brodmann area of the primary motor cortex
funcion of the primary frontal cortex
o Sends motor information from the cortex to the
brainstem and to the spinal cord the final motor plan.
o Sent either to the brain stem areas, or through the
brainstem to the spine.
o The tracts from the Motor Cortex are all involved in
voluntary motor movement
tracts of the primary frontal cortex
corticoespinal tracts and corticobulbar tracts
function of the corticoespinal tracts
voluntary movements of muscle of limbs and trunk
function of the corticobulbar tract
gives innervation to nuclei located in the brain stem.
o Particularly Cranial Nerves that supply motor nerve
innervation to skeletal muscles of the head and neck.
body areas on the homunculus
o Foot – located deep within the longitudinal fissure.
o Leg - travels laterally up through to the surface of the
longitudinal fissure.
o Hip – located at the longitudinal fissure.
o Trunk – runs posteriorly alongside the outer section
of the central gyrus.
o Arm and hand lead towards the lateral sulcus.
o Head - superior to the lateral sulcus.
o Tongue - located within the lateral sulcus.
general body areas on the homunculus
o Most medially relates to the foot, leg and hip area.
o Most laterally relates to trunk, shoulders, and arms.
o Most laterally and inferiorly relates to the face and