From the top Flashcards
Required docs
- Medical
- Passport
- Vaccination cert
- Company ID
Required Equipment
- Flashlight
- Reflective Vest
- EFB (ipad)
- correctable lenses
Low time flight crew member (less than 100 hrs in type) FO restrictions
Captain must make all takeoffs and landings IF:
-special PIC airport (indicated by a Q of OFP)
-3/4SM vis of less
-4000 RVR or less
-runway is contaminated
-braking action is less than good
-crosswind greater than 15kts
-windsheer reported
-any other condition that the captain deems to be necessary
OE flights requiring two crew members
Freighter: Minimum crew 3:
LCP + Newbie + one qualified crew member
additional pilot may be removed:
-if already delayed
-if LCP requests
-if a passenger flight
OE flights requiring three crew members
Minimum crew 4
LCP + Newbie + two qualified crew member
-may not be waived
100hrs in 120 days
-may be extended to 150
-Clock starts ticking after type rating
-ask your LCP to get that shit extended
Low time flight crew member / Special tracking pairing restrictions
-at least one pilot assigned to the flight must not be a LTFC
-only one ST crew member can be assigned to a crew
-An ST crew member cannot be assessed with a LTFC
-This does not apply to OE crew members
High minimums captain
Look that shit up if you are flying with a captain with less than 100hrs (FOM CH 5)
- Flight documents required to be on the aircraft
- Station Copies
– Leave at station - Trip envelope
–Leave in aircraft after flight
FOM 10.1.6
- Signed master copy of OFP
- Signed Load manaest
- Aircraft log
- Pilot route clarification
- Fuel Receipts
- General Declaration
- Permit to proceed
- DHL cert
Long story short, look it up
NADP 1 (Close in)
Thrust reduction: 1500
Acceleration: 3000
NADP 2 (distant)
Thrust reduction: flaps 5
Acceleration 1000
Positon Report
- Aircraft Position
- Time over position
- Flight level
- Name of subsequent reporting fix and estimate time
- Name only succeeding fix
Shanwick radio, GTI 833, RESNO at 1235, Flight level 330, Estimating 56 North 030 West at 1340, Next 56 North 040 West
When is an alternate required?
Domestic: IF
-1hr before or after
ceiling is less than 2000’
vis is less than 3sm
Internation operations:
Supplemental: always
Flag greater than 6hrs: Always
Flag less than 6hrs: Look it up its long FOM 7.1.16
Fuel Requirements for dispatch
Look it up FOM 7.1.21
Origin—dest.—furthest alt.—45 min there after at normal cruise
Origin–Dest.—Alt.–+30 min at holding speed at 1,500 AFE
+ 10% of the total fuel required
Isolated airport:
Origin—Dest.— 2 hrs at normal crusie
When are we required to contact dispatch and let them know of a change?
- 4000’ off our planned cruise alt.
- 100NM off our planned route
- Estimated time of arrival at the intended destination exceeds 15 mins beyond the flight plan
Turbulent air penetration speeds?
400: 290-310 or .82-.85 whichever is lower
-8: 310/.83
whichever is lower
Stabilized approach criteria
- On path
–Only small changes
–Sink rate less than 1000’
–one dot vertical and lateral
deviation - On Speed
-0 +10
Thrust above idle - Configured for landing
Holding speeds
FAA: Maximums
Sealevel up to 6000’:
14001’ and above:
ICAO: Maximums
Sea Level up to 14000
14001’- 20,000
Above 340
When can we accept a redispatch message?
-You can not accept a RDM if outside of 2hrs of your POR
-You must have MINF or greater
-im sure theres a lot more to consider
Contingency procedures Weather
- Try to get a revised ATC clearance
Weather deviation (If unable to get a clearance)
–If less than 5nm remain at assigned flight level
–If outside of 5nm SAND
South of track
Ascend (300’)
North of track
Descend (300’)
Contingency procedures outside of weather
- Turn at least 30 degrees left or right and MALT
Maintain alt/ minimize decent
Acas (TCAS) and visual watch
Lights on
Talk (121.5 123.45, 7700, Satcom, ADS emergency)
- Establish 5nm offset track
-Descend to below 290 and establish 500’ vertical offset
establish 500’ vertical offset - proceed until revised ATC clearance is received