From The Journal of A Disappointed Man (PotD) Flashcards
AO2 for…
From The Journal Of A Dissapointed Man
- speaker is a man of words
- dissapointed both by his immasculintiy and that the job wasnt finished
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I discovered these men
presents the worken as a new species - entirely different from him
- unique/ exotic/ other-worldly
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plosive alliteration
- converys the harshness and intensity of the mens work
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suggests a contrast between the speakers complex world and language and the ‘ruminative’ workmen who barely speak
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chains, pulleys, cranes, ropes, and, as i said, a wooden pile, a massive affair,swinging /
/ over the water
syndetic listing
- reiteratess the practical and active nature of the work
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//over the water
- intended to capture the movement of the pile swining through the air
- reitterates the difficulty of the task - and of the difference between the workmen and the speaker
- the speaker uses clever structural techniques to create an illusuon of movement - whereas the workmen actually move the pile
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‘men’ x 3
- by addressing the workmen as ‘men’, he is seperating himself from them, and therefore seperating himself from the status of masculine, suggesting the action and power of thw workmen has made him questionhis masculinity shown through his intellect
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massive (x2)
- emphasises the vastnesss and impossing nature of the men
- and the enormity of their work and the effect it has on the speaker
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‘I cannot say what’
the speaker is fascinated by the men but unable to understand them and their work
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- intimidated by the men
- belong to another world
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like a mystic
- suggests the ‘massive man’ is capable of deep, philosophical thought and reflection
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heavy kind of majestry
the foreman carries the solemn burden of authority
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That left//
The pile still in mid-air, and me of course
- seperates himself and the pile from the workers
- ‘mid-air’ ends the poem in an ambigious and uncertain state
- - unsure of what defines him as a man