From Republic to Empire and The “Fall” of the Western Roman Empire Flashcards
Who was Julius Caeser?
He declared himself “Dictator for Life” and was later assassinated by the Senate.
Who was Augustus?
Rome’s first emperor.
Definition of Pax Romana:
Latin for “Roman Peace”. This was a 200 year period of relative peace and expansion begun by Augustus.
What are the details of the Punic Wars?
Rome fought these three wars with Carthage and won. Hannibal and his elephants led the second of these three wars.
Definition of patricians:
The upper-class of Roman society.
Definition of plebeians:
The lower-class of Roman Society
Definition of monotheism:
A belief in one God.
Definition of polytheism:
A belief in many Gods.
What is a Civil War?
A war between groups in the same country.
Definition of dictator:
A ruler with absolute power.
Definition of sack:
Plundering or destruction of a place by an army or mob.
Who is a mercenary?
A soldier who fights for money.
What is inflation?
Rapidly increasing prices.
What is a republic?
A government in which leaders are elected by its citizens.
Who are Christians?
Followers of Jesus. They were often persecuted by the Romans in the early years of the Republic.
What did aqueducts do?
These brought water from miles away into the cities.
What was the pantheon?
Built by Hadrian to honor Roman Gods. For centuries, its 150 foot wide dome was the largest in the world.
What was an empire?
A large territory in which several groups of people are ruled by a single leader or government.
What is a vault.
Rows of arches that form a curved ceiling.
Definition of conscription:
The drafting of soldiers.
Who were the Huns?
A group of Barbarians that came out of the far East and left a path of destruction across Asia and Europe.
Who was Attila?
Leader of the Huns.
Who were the Visigoths?
A Germanic tribe that was displaced by the Huns and who asked Rome for protection. After suffering abuse at the hands of the Romans, they sacked Rome for the first time in 800 years.
Who was Alaric?
Leader of the Goths.
Definition of barter:
Trading goods for goods, rather than using money.
Who are pacifists?
Those who oppose war.
Who are praetorian guards?
A private army of highly trained soldiers, created by Augustus, to guard the emperor.