From Reading Flashcards
Here are a few of them
Voici quelques exemples
As cyber threats grow more sophisticated, understanding and implementing robust cybersecurity frameworks is crucial for organizations of all sizes
Les cybermenaces étant de plus en plus sophistiquées, il est essentiel pour les organisations de toutes tailles de comprendre et de mettre en œuvre des cadres de cybersécurité solides.
Simple facile
As he follows the clues, he uncovers
Uncovers / find out
He uncovers a dark and dangerous conspiracy
Conspiration, complot
Avantage ou bord
This gives him an edge in his investigation
Il est dépassé par les événements
He finds himself in over his head
Je suis dépassé par les événements
I’m in over my head
Découvrir, apprendre, se renseigner
Find out,
He is determined to find out the truth
Quel qu en soit le prix
No matter what the cost
Soulager, soulagé
relieve, relieved
He is relieved to know that he has found the killer
Surmonter, faire face
He has to learn to cope with the emotions that come with it
un moment décisif de sa vie
a turning point in his life.