From Post-Impressionism to Cubism pt2 Flashcards

Georges Braque, Houses at L’Estaque

Georges Braque, The Portuguese, Analytic Cubism

Georges Braque, Viaduct at L’Estaque

Pablo Picasso, Large Nude in Red Chair

Pablo Picasso, Olga Seated in an Armchair

Pablo Picasso, Three Musicians, Synthetic Cubism

Pablo Picasso, Weeping Woman

Pablo Picasso, Casagemas in his Coffin (Blue Period)

Pablo Picasso, Guernica

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles D’Avignon (Rose Period)

Pablo Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning, (Synthetic Cubism)

Pablo Picasso, Study of Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

Pablo Picasso, Woman with Crow (Blue Period)

Robert Delauney, The Red Tower, Orphism

Giacomo Balla, Street Light

Giacomo Balla, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash

Giacomo Balla, Speed of a Motorcar

Gino Severini, Armored Train

Gino Severini, Dynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Tabarin

Luigi Russolo, Dynamism of an Automobile

Luigi Russolo, The Revolt

George Grosz, Fit for Active Service

George Grosz, Republican Automatons

George Grosz, Pillars of Society

Max Beckmann, The Dream

Max Beckmann, Night

Otto Dix, Skat Players

Otto Dix, Triptych of War

Fernand Leger, Vase

Fernand Leger, The Builders

Fernand Leger, The City

Fernand Leger, The Mechanic

Le Corbusier, Domino House Project

Le Corbusier, Unite d’Habitation (Housing Unit)

Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye
Leger, Red Nude