From Oxford Picture Dictionary Flashcards
a school controlled by a religious organization that usually receives no money from the government
parochial school
noun [ C ] US
UK /pəˈrəʊ.ki.əl ˌskuːl/ US /pəˈroʊ.ki.əl ˌskuːl/
a person whose job is to help someone important, such as a member of a government or a military officer of high rank:
a senior government [.]
an [.] to the prime minister
Teacher’s [.]
noun [ C ]
UK /eɪd/ US /eɪd/
a restaurant (often in a factory, a college, or an office building) where people collect food and drink from a serving area and take it to a table themselves after paying for it
noun [ C ]
UK /ˌkæf.əˈtɪə.ri.ə/ US /ˌkæf.əˈtɪr.i.ə/
someone who is trained to listen to people and give them advice about their problems:
The college now has a [.] to help students with both personal and work problems.
a marriage [.]
a lawyer:
[ as form of address ] I don’t think that question is relevant, [.].
noun [ C ] US (also mainly UK counsellor)
US /ˈkaʊn.səl.ɚ/ UK /ˈkaʊn.səl.ər/
a sloping area of seats at a sports field that are not covered and are therefore not expensive to sit in
noun [ plural ] US
UK /ˈbliː.tʃəz/ US /ˈbliː.tʃɚz/
Hiệu Phó
Assistant Principal
Hộc để đồ
Sân điền kinh
a device for showing films or images on a screen or other surface
[. .] US/ [.] (UK)
a board on a wall on which notices can be put:
I’ve put the list of players up on the [..].
bulletin board (US) / noticeboard (UK)
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈbʊl.ə.tɪn ˌbɔːd/ US /ˈbʊl.ə.t̬ɪn ˌbɔːrd/
Bút lông viết có thể xóa
Dry erase marker
a piece of stiff folded cardboard with metal rings inside, used to keep loose pages in position
(Tập vở bìa lỗ)
Ring binder
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈrɪŋ ˌbaɪn.dər/ US /ˈrɪŋ ˌbaɪn.dɚ/
a book of paper for writing that is held together by a wire that curves around and around through small holes at the edge of the paper
(Vở gáy lò xo)
spiral notebook
noun [ C ]
UK /ˌspaɪə.rəl ˈnəʊt.bʊk/ US /ˌspaɪr.əl ˈnoʊt.bʊk/
(of a group of people) to suggest a lot of ideas for a future activity very quickly before considering some of them more carefully (động não):
The team got together to [.] (the project).
verb [ I or T ]
UK /ˈbreɪn.stɔːm/ US /ˈbreɪn.stɔːrm/
- [ I or T ] (Speak)
to speak something aloud for a person or machine to record what is said, so that it can be written down:
I [.d] my order over the phone.
She spent the morning [.ing] letters to her secretary.
[.] a sentence. - C1 [ I or T ] (Give Orders)
to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority:
The UN will [.] the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.
[ + question word ] He disagrees with the government [.ing] what children are taught in schools.
[+ that] The rules [.] that only running shoes must be worn on the track.
[ T ]
to influence something or make it necessary:
The party’s change of policy has been [.d] by its need to win back younger voters.
[ + that ] I wanted to take a year off, but my financial situation [.d] that I got a job.
UK /dɪkˈteɪt/ US /ˈdɪk.teɪt/
- dictate verb (SPEAK)
[ I or T ]
to speak something aloud for a person or machine to record what is said, so that it can be written down:
I dictated my order over the phone.
She spent the morning dictating letters to her secretary.
- C1 [ I or T ] Dictate (GIVE ORDERS)
to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority:
The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.
[ + question word ] He disagrees with the government dictating what children are taught in schools.
[ + that ] The rules dictate that only running shoes must be worn on the track.
[ T ]
to influence something or make it necessary:
The party’s change of policy has been dictated by its need to win back younger voters.
[ + that ] I wanted to take a year off, but my financial situation dictated that I got a job.
to draw a line through something you have written, usually because it is wrong:
If you think it’s wrong, [.] it out and write it again.
cross sth out
— phrasal verb with cross verb
UK /krɒs/ US /krɑːs/
to draw a line through something you have written, usually because it is wrong:
If you think it’s wrong, cross it out and write it again.
to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way:
You need a decoding device to [.] some of the signals sent out by satellite and cable TV.
[.] the words: e.g. ENP –> PEN
verb [ T ]
UK /ʌnˈskræm.bəl/ US /ʌnˈskræm.bəl/
to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way:
You need a decoding device to unscramble some of the signals sent out by satellite and cable TV.
Tự làm bài (thi…)
Work on your own.
Dọn sạch bàn
Clear off your desk.
Nộp bài thi
Hand in your test.
Tô đen ô trả lời
Bubble in the answer.
Nghỉ giải lao
Take a break.
Nói chuyện xã giao.
Make small talk
C2 [ C ]
a remark that expresses approval, admiration, or respect:
He complained that his husband never paid him any [.s] anymore.
I take it as a [.] (= I am pleased) when people say I look like my mother.
Are you fishing for (= trying to get) [.] ?
Do not confuse with complement.
C2 [ S ]
an action that expresses approval or respect:
You should take it as a [.] when I fall asleep in your company - it means I’m relaxed.
Thank you so much for your help - I hope one day I’ll be able to return/repay the [.] (= do something good for you).
- my [.s] … formal:
an expression of your admiration or respect:
That was an excellent meal! My [.]s to the chef. - with your [.s] C2 formal
If you give something to someone with your compliments, you give it to that person free:
We enclose a copy of our latest brochure, with our [.s] .
to praise or express admiration for someone:
I was just [.ing] Robert on his wonderful food.
I must [.] you on your handling of a very difficult situation.
UK /ˈkɒm.plɪ.mənt/ US /ˈkɑːm.plə.mənt/
C2 [ C ]
a remark that expresses approval, admiration, or respect:
He complained that his husband never paid him any compliments anymore.
I take it as a compliment (= I am pleased) when people say I look like my mother.
Are you fishing for (= trying to get) compliments?
Do not confuse with complement.
C2 [ S ]
an action that expresses approval or respect:
You should take it as a compliment when I fall asleep in your company - it means I’m relaxed.
Thank you so much for your help - I hope one day I’ll be able to return/repay the compliment (= do something good for you).
my compliments… formal
an expression of your admiration or respect:
That was an excellent meal! My compliments to the chef.
with your compliments C2 formal
If you give something to someone with your compliments, you give it to that person free:
We enclose a copy of our latest brochure, with our compliments.
verb [ T ]
UK /ˈkɒm.plɪ.mənt/ US /ˈkɑːm.plə.mənt/
to praise or express admiration for someone:
I was just complimenting Robert on his wonderful food.
I must compliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation.
a period of days during which the weather is much hotter than usual
heat wave [C]
relating to or affected by smog (= a mixture of harmful smoke, gases, and chemicals in the air) (ô nhiễm, có khói mù):
Mexico City is one of the world’s [.iest] capitals.
Children who live in areas that are highly polluted and [.] are more likely to have asthma.
UK /ˈsmɒɡ.i/ US /ˈsmɑː.ɡi/
a mixture of smoke, gases, and chemicals, especially in cities, that makes the atmosphere difficult to breathe and harmful for health:
[.] is a major problem in Athens.
As we flew into the airport, we could see a murky yellow [.] hovering over the city.
noun [ S or U ]
UK /smɒɡ/ US /smɑːɡ/
Giông bão
Bão cát
Dust storm
Mưa đá
UK /heɪl/ US /heɪl/
C2 [ U ]
small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain
Bão tuyết
Snowstorm / Blizzard
UK /ˈblɪz.əd/ US /ˈblɪz.ɚd/
blizzard noun (SNOW)
[ C ]
a severe snow storm with strong winds:
We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
Blizzard conditions made the main roads almost impassable.
ống nghe/ tay cầm (điện thoại)
receiver / handset
dây điện
- dấu #
- dấu *
- pound key
- star key
bàn phím nút
key pad
họp phụ huynh học sinh
parent-teacher conference
tím hoa cà
màu xanh ngọc lam
UK /ˈtɜː.kwɔɪz/ US /ˈtɝː.kɔɪz/
màu kem
cream/ ivory /ˈaɪ.vər.i/
màu nâu rám nắng
beige/ tan
- 5 cents
- 10 cents
- 25 cents
- Cho tui đổi 1 đô đc hơm?
- a nickle
- a dime
- a quarter
- Do you have change for a dollar?
nhãn giá tiền
price tag
máy tính tiền
cash register
thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive
UK /ˈslen.dər/ US /ˈslen.dɚ/
thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive:
He put his hands around her slender waist.
The plant’s leaves are long and slender.
thương tật
physically challenged
- mù
- điếc
- sight impaired/ blind
- hearing impaired/ deaf
nốt ruồi
a mole
xỏ lỗ tai
pierced ear
đường chẻ ngôi tóc
part (hair) [ C ] US (UK parting) a line on someone's head made by brushing the hair in two different directions: a centre/side part
- ria mép
- râu quai nón
- tóc mai dài
- mustache
(UK: /məˈstɑːʃ/; American English: mustache, /ˈmʌstæʃ/) is facial hair grown on the upper lip - beard
- sideburns
noun [ C ]
one of many strips of hair twisted together close to the head in thin rows
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈkɔːn.rəʊ/ US /ˈkɔːrn.roʊ/
one of many strips of hair twisted together close to the head in thin rows:
Tyler likes her hair in cornrows, but braiding it takes a long time.
ống cuộn tóc
uốn tóc
(to) perm hair
nhuộm tóc
color hair/ dye hair