From Hesi Book Flashcards
When the patients blood pressure decreased, the paramedic noted that the heart rate increased, which the paramedic recognized as a COMPENSATORY action.
Offsetting or making up for something
Vomiting is an ADVERSE affect of many medications
Undesired possibly harmful
The nurse asked the patient to COMPLY with the instructions for taking the medication
Do as directed
The hygienist Told the patient that a healthy mouth is CONTINGENT on careful daily brushing and flossing
The patients excessive bleeding was a CONTRAINDICATION for discharge of the hospital
A reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done
The physical therapist recognized that too much exercise would exacerbate the patients breathing difficulties
To make worse or more severe
The dietician explained to the patient that eating more iron rich foods may help reduce feelings of fatigue
Extreme tiredness, exhaustion
After her stroke the patient could not feed herself because her arms were FLACCID
Limp, lacking tone
The therapist observed that the patients face was flushed after the patient completed the exercise
Redden or ruddy appearance
The physician explained that the cancer probably started years ago but had not been detected because it’s spread was so INSIDIOUS
So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time
The laboratory technician is careful when obtaining blood samples this invasive procedure may cause problems such as infection or bruising
Inserting or entering into a body part
Because a child’s temperature was very labile,the nurse instructed that unlicensed assistant personnel to check the temperature frequently.
Changing rapidly and often
The Latent infection produce symptoms only when the patients condition was weakened from another illness
Present but not active or visible
The unlicensed assistive personnel observed that the morning after a patient received a sleeping pill the patient was too lethargic to eat breakfast
Difficulty to arouse
Because the patients foot was cold and blue the nurse reported that the patient circulation to the foot was occluded
Closed or obstructed
After a patient sustained a head injury the paramedic noted that the patient’s breathing was irregular which was an ominous sign that the patient’s condition was worsening
Significantly important and dangerous
The overt symptoms of the disease included vomiting and diarrhea
Obvious easily observed
The dietitian explained that the number of calories needed for energy is one of the important parameters of a healthy diet
A characteristic or constant factor limit
The paramedic assistant pregnant woman during a precipitous delivery in her home
Rapid uncontrolled
The dietitian explains that high dietary fat intake predisposes some people to heart disease
To make more susceptible or more likely to occur
The patient was prescribed a sublingual medication for chest pain
Under the tongue
The patient became very confused which was an untoward effect of the medication receipt
Adverse or negative
The nurse noticed an abrupt change in the patient’s level of pain
The tape must adhere to the patient’s skin to hold the bandage in place
To hold fast or stick together
Unit staffing decisions are under the aegis of the nurse manager.
Control protection
During triage the paramedic gave each accident victim a CURSORY examination
Quick, not thorough