From citizens to outcasts Flashcards
How did the Nazi-led German government gradually exclude Jews from public life between 1933 and 1938?
The government enacted hundreds of legal measures excluding Jews from public life, the professions, and education.
What was the goal of Nazi propaganda regarding Jews?
The goal was to demonize Jews and create a climate of hostility and indifference toward their plight.
What happened on Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass?
Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed in the first act of state-sponsored violence against Jews.
What difficulties did Jews face when trying to leave Germany?
Jews faced countless bureaucratic hurdles and increasingly restrictive immigration quotas in most countries.
What rights did Jews in Germany have before the Nazis assumed power?
Jews enjoyed all rights of citizenship in Germany.
What measures were taken against Jews in public education after 1933?
Jews were gradually excluded from public education, leading to the establishment of private Jewish schools.
How were Jewish children provided a safe learning environment after being excluded from public education?
Newly established Jewish private schools provided a safe learning environment for some Jewish children.
By 1938, what actions had German authorities taken against Jews?
They had been isolated and segregated, expelled from the professions, and had most opportunities to earn a living eliminated.
How did the isolation and segregation of Jews affect them psychologically?
The sense of isolation affected Jews psychologically, making them feel they were in a hostile world.
How many laws were enacted by the German government to define, segregate, and impoverish Jews between 1933 and 1939?
Hundreds of laws were enacted to define, segregate, and impoverish German Jews.
What was the public reaction to the anti-Jewish propaganda and measures?
The goal of Nazi propaganda was to demonize Jews and encourage Germans to see them as dangerous outsiders.
How did the Nazi regime incorporate Austria into Germany, and what was its impact on Austrian Jews?
Germany moved troops into Austria, and within a year, the Nazis carried out in Austria what took five years in Germany.
Who were directed to carry out the violence during Kristallnacht?
The SA, SS, and Hitler Youth were directed to destroy Jewish shops and torch synagogues.
How many Jewish-owned businesses were vandalized during Kristallnacht?
Over 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses were vandalized.
How many synagogues were damaged or destroyed during Kristallnacht?
More than 250 synagogues were damaged or destroyed.
What did German police do with thousands of Jewish inmates after Kristallnacht?
They filled concentration camps with Jewish inmates and released them only if they agreed to emigrate.
What were Jews required to do with their passports in October 1938?
Jews had to surrender their old passports, which would be valid only after the letter “J” was stamped on them.
What did the new law issued two months after Kristallnacht prevent regarding Jewish property and assets?
The law prevented the flight of capital owned by Jews by freezing all Jewish property and assets.
How did some Jewish families try to protect their children from the increasing persecution?
Some families sent their children alone to other, safer countries.
What did many Jews not anticipate despite trying to leave Germany?
They did not anticipate how soon the world would be at war.