Friendlies Implementation Flashcards
whiff punish
shdrop punishes
using tp to gain center
reactive fh
dj baits
reactive rshine
info gathering
when do they jump? shield? attack? cc? backdash?
rule of 3 > mixup
dont use laggy moves if they can shield
esp. H%
drill approaches
fh wland back baits
recall how you got hit between stocks
a la Trif
no insta run oocorner
ldash (to reset too)
ldash > dash fh
ldash > ta uptilt
leff side plat on bf
wland on from ledge
dash oowakeup
no stationary shit
shdrop shine
wshine oos
rshine aerials
no fh bnair at L%
unless theyre airborne
no jump oohit
aka panic jumps
take space if puff dj
mind the cone
play puff like samus
spam fh as wu option at L%
spam shield as wu option at H%
dont beat yourself up
you wouldnt get frustrated for not being fluent as a B1 German student
do NOT fh unless its unreactable
so you threaten nair range
mix up rfh > rshine
simply alternate 50/50
you have app fh drill and…?
when is it useful?
fb drill dtilt
it should be a reaction to them (say) doing sh at you instead of running in
also good when you’re H%, because their fair will whiff
so condition them w drill shine at L%
wshine fsmash
wshine across fsmash
see sheik land at nair spacing > sh drill in place
beats boost grab
drill run in attempts
shinegrab mixup
shinegrab puff
shinegrab marth
rtc puff
only good fh
meaning: its a mixup oorun, not a defensive wall
marth: wd down
TIMING mixup
reactive rshine
1f baby
cc puff
cc sheik
cc marth
sheik: rshield
sheik: respecting shieldgrab
sheik: respecting needles
wshine shields
to catch rolls
falcon: beating defensive nair/ dair
marth: no upB into dair
shine stall
only late spaced bair at cc%
only cody bair if they’re on sp
take your time coming off plats
after resetting, find an actual opening twd the ground
spam fh/ shield when they want a kn
empty fh > grab their commitment
like a datt
nicki dd
his app. to marth neutral
wd to ledge ldash
a lot
mix side/upB from SAME spot
cat & mouse
run and wp
drill > db
fh probs better
use plats at L%
to not get grabbed
fh fb drill dtilt sheik ftilt
after kn%
cody roll bait
sheik is cornered in shield
cody does fh nair edgecancel
drops and datt her roll
db if you whiff dtilt
weak bair dtilt
bair a shield in corner > djab
bair someone on plat at K%
dash upsmash amsah tech
spam fb dtilt after kn%
attempt an amsah tech if your recovery’s landing on a plat at H%
shinegrab into corner
fh in scrambles
asdi down shgrab
la Spark
fox: spam grab
fox: wp
FoD: uptilt on low plat or upsmash if tech away
fox: cc
fh but no move unless you think itll hit
spacies: ut nair
esp. from tp
fox: go at him constantly
from offcenter, wd back uptilt x2
good in the ditto e.g.
lasers > dd > repeat
vs marth esp.
put yourself in situation that suggests X > do Y
esp. vs someone only looking for 1 thing over and over
marth: fthrow by ledge
> tilt > crouch to shine a dj into you
keep track of sdi on uair
and uair in that direction
lizard brain
see opening > go in instantly (did it work?)
play as fast as you can
lizard gang
say where you were when he did X
say he datt
m: fair after 50
chasedown nair
cody dd range
undershoot insta drill
fb it
m: timing mixups
m; drill in p his wd
f: sh bair wall
m: firestall shine
spacies: bthrow gimps
puff: preemptive di on approach
opened them up? go to town
marth: hold ledge > shine as he goes below
try a firestall first
no straight firefoxes
all gay
only react to opponent
less mental energy to get nervous
find one habit and only play that situation
uptilt > react > db
marth: when invincible, dash to him > db uptilt
shine oos
spacies: go out and shine/ bair upB above ledge
spacies: ut > wd back > uair tech roll on reaction
spacies: rising drill their recovery
spacies: run off shine > reactive bair their sideB
sv material too
upsmash > uair on sp
spacies: reactive dtilt their sideB
sh under sp > uptilt their shdrop
consciously mix corner options
spotdodge/ roll/ fh on reaction sp rshield dd wd to ledge dj sideB to tp/ dj drop run to center
app drill
play fast
fox: hold position by ledge until safe
its okay says dfox
spacies: focus on getting oocorner safely
roll in from corner
buffer roll
buffer jump oos
spacies: datt their sideB
spacies: fdsmash their sideB
spacies: roll uptilt their sideB
spacies: (roll) shine their sideB
spacies: djab their sideB
don’t uair again if it wont kill
spacies: ut bair mixup
either you get a rtc or they’re offstage
can condition them first w fuair
spacies: ut at 50% sh uair
then do sh bair next time
cf: make getting him off your priority
that means shine = wshine across fsmash
m: fair at M%
60%+ (?)
m: wshine dtilt
m: wshine datt
wd back ldash
ldash left
ldash right
fox: grounded jc shine
gotta go fast (to counter from corner or when you cant quite get the dd grab)
spacies: bthrow to avoid sp 50/50
fox: shine rtc
fox: wshine oos rtc
fox: fback drills
fox: rshine
aggro option only after showing def option
def option only after showing aggro option
run in mixups
rshine/ sh/ fh/ retreat to plat
sheik: nair grab
sheik: drill
any drill. pls.
m: escape fthrow regrab
m: tech throws L%
p: dthrow rtc
late bair on shield > db
m: nair > grab
after hitting into corner, stand off to grab roll in
esp. spacies
esp. to test the waters
p: see how she responds to lasers
p: fh nair above her
p: sh single laser
p: cc after attack
e.g. fh nair
p: cc
in general
p: wd oos ta uptilt