Freud's Psychodynamic Theory Flashcards
How did he see the psyche?
Divided into different parts.
When do these parts develop?
Over first 5 yrs of life.
What is the most important stage in human life, according to Freud, and why?
Early childhood - the stage when psyche forms and shapes everything we think and do for the rest of our lives.
What’s the iceberg model of the psyche?
- Conscious mind
- Pre-conscious mind
- Unconscious mind
What is the conscious mind?
Part of mind we’re aware of. Contains thoughts we’re currently thinking at any given moment.
What is the pre-conscious mind?
Part of mind we’re occasionally aware of. Contains remembered dreams, feelings that haven’t been put into words and memories that can be recalled into conscious mind without help.
What is the unconscious mind?
Rest of psyche we’re totally unaware of. Contains instincts, desires, fears, motives, most of our dreams and memories that have been repressed because they are too painful.
Is the unconscious mind accessible?
No - completely inaccessible to conscious mind.
What is psychoanalysis?
Technique to help patients understand unconscious mind with help from a psychoanalyst.
Why did Freud make psychoanalysis?
To help people overcome problems rooted in the unconscious.
What are the 3 parts of the psyche?
- Id
- Ego
- Superego
What is the Id?
Id consists of urges and desires - it’s made up entirely of feelings (imagine limbic system - amygdala).
When does the id develop?
First in babies.
Where does the id exist?
In unconscious mind.
What is the id based on?
“the pleasure principle” - doesn’t understand logic, time or the outside world. It wants what it wants, and denial = frustration.
Is the id evil?
No - just wants necessities, like food, sleep or sex.
What’s the issue with the id?
It’s issue is the ability to restrict itself, put things off or acknowledge others - lives in the moment and is completely selfish.
What is the ego?
Thinking and decision-making part of mind - imagine prefrontal cortex.
When does the ego develop?
In toddlers.
Where does the ego exist?
In conscious mind.
What is the ego based on?
“the reality principle” - understands the outside world, the consequences of actions and time.
Does the ego have desires of its own?
No - job is to find a way to grant desires that come from the id. I can do this as it understands real world and can formulate plans.
What is deferred gratification?
Putting off pleasure until later, or enjoying less pleasure in SR for sake of larger pleasure later. It persuades id to desire something less pleasant while promising something more pleasant later.
Does the ego have conscience?
No - no sense of right and wrong. Understands punishment and will try to avoid it but feels no guilt.
When does the super-ego develop?
Between 4-6.
Where does the superego exist?
Straddles between conscious and unconscious mind.
What is the superego based on?
“morality principle” and acts as “the voice of conscience” - tells ego whether its thoughts are morally acceptable or not.
Does the super-ego feel guilt?
Yes - when super-ego rejects to ego’s thoughts it generates guilt. Ego finds these feelings unbareable, so comes up with thoughts that don’t offend super-ego (which is difficult as id continually generates needs and desires which the super-ego forbids).
Does the super-ego want punishment?
Yes - if someone misbehaves and is repeatedly punished for it, then this may be the super-ego at work.
Why are defence mechanisms established?
Ego caught in the middle of conflict between demands of id and restrictions of ego - sets up defence mechanisms to protect itself.
What do defence-mechanisms do?
Restrict demands of id or transform them so they no longer offend super-ego. Also block out parts of reality that the ego finds overwhelming or which offend the super-ego or frighten the id.
What are the 5 defence mechanisms?
- Repression
- Denial
- Projection
- Displacement
- Sublimation
What is Repression?
Id demands repressed into unconscious mind, so a person doesn’t realise what their id wants from them.
What is Denial?
Id’s feelings or urges are acted upon, but conscious mind refuses to admit what they are (e.g. someone doesn’t realise how unpleasant they’re being).
What is Projection?
Id’s feelings are denied and super-ego’s hostility is directed towards others who seem to be acting on those same feelings; involves being judgemental about others doing things you secretly want to do.
What is Displacement?
Id urges are acted upon, but are directed at a different target; causes people to blame others or “over-compensate” for their problems.
What is Sublimation?
Id urges are acted upon, but are transformed into something socially acceptable, e.g. dance, art or work; sublimated behaviour may not resemble orginal unconscious desire but connection might come out in Freudian slips.
What is catharsis?
Emotional release linked to a need to relieve unconscious conflicts.
What is the Oedipus Complex?
A crisis children experience around 5 when their super-ego’s form.
What is the oedipus complex caused by?
The fact every child sexually desires opposit sex parent, but feels guilt about this and grows to fear and hate the same-sex parent as a result.
What does the oedipus complex say children do with their feelings?
Repress them and use defence mechanism called identification to imitate the same-sex parent that they hate and fear - this is where we get gender identity and personality from.
Is Freud’s theory credible?
- He based his theories on psychoanalysing his patients. He carried out a case study on Little Hans, and himself studying his own dreams and childhood memories.
- His ideas of the id and ego have links with the neuroscience of the brain; Limbic system and prefrontal cortex handles rational decision-making, just like the id and ego.
- Freud insisted on being non-judgemental about what he discovered, creating his own scientific terminology (e.g. libido, id, ego) rather than using the biased terminology of ordinary language (lust, sin, self-control).
+ Explains types of agg, impulsive (strong id but weaker superego) or cold blooded (really strong id and ego but weaker superego).
+ Explains early trauma as motivation fro agg has face validity with some offenders - soemthing bad happens when you were younger, causes conflict between id and super-ego which leads to ego defences mechanisms when you’re older such as catharsis and displacement (this has face validity).
- agg not cathartic - doesn’t reduce agg. Bushman study (once people released catharsis they were more angry - against freud).
Application: therapy - focus on a harmless way to vent and displace frustration.
What are the applications of Freud’s theory?