Frequently Confused Words (FCW) Flashcards
1.Distinguish words that are similar in spelling 2.Distinguish words that have varied definition in different parts of speech
Turbid vs. Turgid
Turbid: muddy
Turgid: swollen, distended
Reprise vs. Reprisal
Reprise: musical repetition
Reprisal: retaliation
Centripetal vs. Centrifugal
Centripetal: tending towards the center
Centrifugal: radiating, departing from the center
Wan vs. Wane
Wan: of sickly pale color
Wane: decrease in size or strength
Beget vs. Bereft
Beget: produce, father, give rise to
Bereft: deprived of, desolate because of a loss
Retort vs. Contort
Retort: quick sharp reply
Contort: twist, bend out of shape
Unctuous vs. Uncouth
Unctuous: oily, bland, insincerely suave
Uncouth: boorish, clumsy
Germinal vs. Germane vs. Germinate
Germinal: pertaining to a germ, creative
Germane: pertinent
Germinate: sprout, cause to sprout
Garnish vs. Garish
Garnish: decorate
Garish: over bright in color, gaudy
Exhort vs. Extort
Exhort: urge
Extort: wring from, get money by threats, etc.
Nettle vs. Mettle
Nettle: to annoy or vex
Mettle: courage, spirit
Typhoon vs. Tycoon
Typhoon: tropical hurricane or cyclone
Tycoon: wealthy leader
Remedial vs. Remediable
Remedial: corrective, curative
Remediable: reparable
Interim vs. Interloper
Interim: meantime
Interloper: intruder, a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others
Dingy vs. Din
Dingy: dull, not fresh
Din: continued loud noise
Impertinent vs. Impenitent
Impertinent: insolent, rude
Impenitent: not repentant
Aspersion vs. Aversion
Aspersion: slander
Aversion: firm dislike
Propinquity vs. Propensity
Propinquity: nearness, kinship
Propensity: natural inclination
Pastiche vs. Panache
Pastiche: hodgepodge
Panache: flair, flamboyance
Importunate vs. Impart vs. Import
Importunate: urging, demanding
Impart: reveal, grant
Import: importance, meaning
Regale vs. Regal
Regale: entertain
Regal: royal
Steep vs. Seep
Steep: soak, saturate
Seep: ooze, trickle
Delude vs. Deluge
Delude: deceive
Deluge: flood, rush
Rue vs. Hue
Rue: regret, lament
Hue: color, aspect
Consummate vs. Commensurate
Consummate: complete
Commensurate: equal in extent
Sardonic vs. Sadistic
Sardonic: cynically mocking, sarcastic
Sadistic: inclined to cruelty