French Vocab - Mango Flashcards
What does ‘Ca te dit’ mean?
How about
Used to suggest something to someone.
What is the meaning of ‘Venir de’?
To come from
Often used to indicate origin or recent past.
Translate ‘Avant de’ to English.
Used to indicate a prior action.
What does ‘Apres de’ mean?
Indicates a subsequent action.
What does ‘Ce que’ translate to?
This term can be ambiguous in use.
Translate ‘Avant de partir’.
Before leaving
Indicates the time before an action.
What does ‘J’ai bien envie de’ mean?
I really feel like
Expresses a strong desire.
What is the meaning of ‘Et si’?
What about
Often used with the imparfait verb.
Translate ‘Bien que’.
Used to introduce a contrast.
What does ‘Il s’agit de’ mean?
It’s about
Used to clarify the subject matter.
What is the meaning of ‘Rien que ca’?
Just/only that
Emphasizes a minimal amount.
What does ‘Pas mal du tout’ mean?
Pretty good
A positive expression.
Translate ‘Ca a l’air’.
It seems like/it looks
Used for observations.
What does ‘Ce’ mean?
A demonstrative pronoun.
Translate ‘Ce la’.
That (pointing)
Used to refer to something specific.
What does ‘Ca’ translate to?
Another demonstrative pronoun.
What is the translation of ‘Toute a fait’?
Used for strong agreement.
What does ‘C’est parti’ mean?
Here we go
Indicates the start of something.
What does ‘Et puis’ mean?
Used to add information.
What is the meaning of ‘Celui/celle’?
The one
Refers to a specific person or object.
Translate ‘Ca vous dit de’.
Do you feel like
A suggestion to someone.
What does ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a’ mean?
What’s up
A casual inquiry.
What is the translation of ‘On dirait’?
It seems
Used for making assumptions.
What does ‘Si’ translate to?
Used to express a consequence.
What is the meaning of ‘En plus’?
Adds additional information.
Translate ‘Parfois’.
Indicates frequency.
What does ‘Ca c’est adjective comme noun’ mean?
That is adjective like noun
Describes a specific structure.
What does ‘C’est ca’ mean?
That’s it/exactly
Used for confirmation.
Translate ‘Ca ma dit quelque choses’.
It rings a bell
Indicates familiarity.
What does ‘Non, ca ne ma dit rien’ mean?
No, it doesn’t ring any bells
Indicates lack of recognition.
What is the meaning of ‘Avoir envie de’?
Feel like
Expresses desire for something.
What does ‘Se faire plaisir’ mean?
To indulge ourselves
Suggests treating oneself.
Translate ‘Ca te va’.
It suits you
Indicates suitability.
What does ‘Je vous ressers’ mean?
Will you take another serving
A phrase used during meals.
What is the translation of ‘Entendre Parler de quelqu’un’?
To hear about someone
Refers to gaining information about a person.
What does ‘He/to him’ translate to?
An indirect object pronoun.
What is the meaning of ‘Le/lui’?
Refers to object pronouns.
Translate ‘Faire quelque course’.
Run some errands
Indicates completing small tasks.
What does ‘Venir de + infinitive’ mean?
Just did something
Indicates recent past.
What does ‘Ah bon?’ mean?
A phrase expressing surprise.
What is the meaning of ‘Si ca t’interesse’?
If you are interested
Used to gauge interest.
Translate ‘Tu es deja allee’.
Have you already been
A question about past experience.
What does ‘Plus tard’ mean?
Indicates future time.
What is the translation of ‘Plus tot’?
Refers to a prior time.
What does ‘Sur’ mean?
Indicates topic of discussion.
What does ‘Ca va’ mean?
It’s going
A common greeting.
Translate ‘Allons-y’.
Let’s go
Used to suggest moving forward.
What does ‘Se rendre compte’ mean?
To realize
Indicates coming to an understanding.
What is the meaning of ‘Arrive a quelque chose’?
Manage to do something
Indicates achieving a goal.
What does ‘Ca veut dire’ mean?
It means
Used for definitions.
Translate ‘Etre d’accord’.
To be of agreement
Indicates consensus.
What does ‘A mon avis’ mean?
In my opinion
Used to express personal views.
What is the meaning of ‘Etre doué’?
To be gifted
Refers to having a talent.
Translate ‘Ca ne me plait pas’.
I don’t like it
Used to express dislike.
What does ‘Qui sait?’ mean?
Who knows?
Indicates uncertainty.
What is the translation of ‘Avoir raison’?
To be right
Indicates correctness.
What does ‘Ce qui se passe’ mean?
What’s happening
Used to inquire about current events.
What is the meaning of ‘Ainsi’?
That way/thus
Indicates manner or method.
Translate ‘Tu peux me raconter’.
Can you tell me
A request for information.
What does ‘Et apres’ mean?
What next
Used to ask about future steps.
What is the translation of ‘N’importe quoi’?
Indicates disregard for something.
What does ‘C’est n’importe quoi’ mean?
That’s nonsense
A strong expression of disbelief.
Translate ‘Tu peux choisir n’importe quoi’.
You can choose whatever
Indicates freedom of choice.
What is the meaning of ‘Then/there’?
Refers to a specific location.
What does ‘A ce moment la’ mean?
At the moment
Indicates a specific time.
What is the translation of ‘Tout d’un coup’?
All of a sudden
Indicates an unexpected occurrence.
What does ‘Connu’ mean?
Well known/famous
Refers to recognition.
What is the meaning of ‘En fin bref’?
In short
Used to summarize.
What does ‘Apres avoir past participle’ mean?
After having done something
Indicates a completed action.
Translate ‘Apres etre alle’.
After having done something, but for etre verbs
A specific grammatical structure.
What does ‘J’ai la peche’ mean?
Ready for the day
Indicates high energy.
What is the meaning of ‘Raconte-moi’?
Tell me
A request for a story or information.
Translate ‘Auparavant’.
Before (that)
Refers to a previous time.
What does ‘Il y avait’ mean?
There was/were
Indicates existence in the past.
What is the translation of ‘Il y a’?
There is/are
Indicates existence in the present.
What does ‘Il s’est passe’ mean?
It has happened /it happened
Refers to an event that occurred.
What is the meaning of ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il s’est passe apres’?
What happened next
A question about subsequent events.
Translate ‘Et ca date de quand’.
And it dates from when?
Inquires about the timing of an event.
What does ‘Mais enfin’ mean?
Oh come on!
An expression of exasperation.
What is the meaning of ‘Quel soit’?
Used for indifference.
Translate ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a’.
What is the matter/what’s happening
A casual inquiry.
What does ‘Qu’est-ce qui se passe’ mean?
What’s happening
A question about current events.
What is the translation of ‘Il a fallu’?
It was necessary
Indicates necessity.
What does ‘Ca’ mean?
A demonstrative pronoun.
What does ‘Il etais comment?’ mean?
What did he look like?
A question about appearance.
What is the meaning of ‘Aller Bien’?
To feel good
Indicates a state of well-being.
Translate ‘Ca ira mieux’.
You will feel better
A comforting statement.
What does ‘Pendant que’ mean?
Indicates simultaneous actions.
What is the translation of ‘Alors que’?
Used to contrast actions.
What does ‘Au moment ou’ mean?
Refers to a specific time.
What is the meaning of ‘Avoir le cafard’?
To feel blue
Indicates sadness.
Translate ‘Ca va mieux’.
I’m better/it gets better
Indicates improvement in state.
What does ‘Ca ma fait mal’ mean?
It’s painful
Indicates discomfort.
What is the translation of ‘J’essaie d’apprendre le francaise’?
I am trying to learn French
A statement of intent.
What does ‘En avoir marre de’ mean?
To be fed up with
Indicates frustration.
What is the meaning of ‘Il etait comment’?
What did he look like?
A question about someone’s appearance.
Translate ‘En avoir ras-le-bol de’.
To be sick of
Indicates extreme frustration.
What does ‘En avoir assez de’ mean?
To have had enough of
Indicates saturation with a situation.
What is the translation of ‘Ca va aller’?
It’s going to be ok
A reassuring statement.
What does ‘Ne pas s’en faire’ mean?
Not to worry about it
Suggests calmness.
Translate ‘Ne t’en fais pas’.
Don’t worry
A comforting phrase.
What does ‘Avoir du mal a’ mean?
To have a hard time
Indicates difficulty in doing something.
What is the meaning of ‘Ca va pas’?
What’s wrong
A casual inquiry about someone’s state.
What does ‘Avoir du pot’ mean?
To be lucky
Indicates good fortune.
Translate ‘Etre a bout de nerf’.
To be a nervous wreck
Indicates high stress levels.
What is the translation of ‘En avoir assez’?
To be sick of
Indicates having reached a limit.
What does ‘Lew boules’ mean?
What a pain
Indicates annoyance.
What does ‘Ca alors’ mean?
Gee/darn it
An expression of surprise or disbelief.
What is the meaning of ‘Etre vert’?
To be furious/incredulous
Indicates strong emotions.
What does ‘Avoir la peche’ mean?
To feel great
Indicates high energy or happiness.
Translate ‘Avoir la patate’.
To be/feel in great shape
Indicates well-being.
What does ‘En avoir gros sur la patate’ mean?
To have a heavy heart
Indicates emotional burden.
What is the translation of ‘A cause de’?
Because of/due to
Indicates causation.
What does ‘Etre aux anges’ mean?
To be over the moon
Indicates extreme happiness.
Translate ‘On y va’.
Shall we go?
Suggests moving forward.
What does ‘Bon retablissement’ mean?
Get well soon
A phrase of well-wishing.
What is the meaning of ‘C’est tout droit’?
It’s straight ahead
Directions indicating a straight path.
Translate ‘C’est combien’.
How much is…?
Used to inquire about price.
What does ‘Ne…. Plus’ mean?
No longer
Indicates cessation.
What is the translation of ‘Au fait’?
By the way
Used to introduce a new topic.
What does ‘En avance’ mean?
In advance
Indicates early action.
What is the meaning of ‘Ne t’inquiete pas’?
Don’t worry
A comforting phrase.
What does ‘Ne quittez pas’ mean?
Hold on/one moment
Used during phone calls.
What is the translation of ‘Lui’?
To her
An indirect object pronoun.
What does ‘Encore’ mean?
Indicates repetition.
What is the meaning of ‘Out of’?
Indicates location or source.
What does ‘A rendre’ mean?
Indicates a deadline.
What is the translation of ‘En retard’?
Indicates tardiness.
What does ‘Il a ete’ mean?
He/it has been
A statement about past state.
What is the meaning of ‘Avoir l’habitude de’?
Used to doing something
Indicates familiarity with a routine.
Translate ‘S’entendre Bien’.
To get on well with someone
Indicates good relationships.
What does ‘Qu-est ce que tu en pense?’ mean?
What do you think about it?
A request for opinion.
What is the translation of ‘J’avais pense’?
I had thought
Refers to a past idea.
What does ‘Ne… Plus’ mean?
No more
Indicates cessation.
What is the meaning of ‘La plus part’?
The majority
Refers to most of a group.
What does ‘Ca te dirais de’ mean?
How would you like to
A suggestion to someone.
Translate ‘Il parait que’.
They say/it is said
Indicates hearsay.
What is the translation of ‘Le meillure’?
The best
Indicates superiority.
What does ‘Le/la/les plus’ mean?
The best
Used for comparisons.