French Revolution/Haitian Revolution Review Flashcards
Government in which a king holds all of the power
Gobierno en el que un rey ostenta todo el poder
Absolute Monarchy
Government in which people are elected to make decisions on the people’s behalf
Gobierno en el que las personas son elegidas para tomar decisiones en nombre del pueblo.
Representative Government
Government in which everyone voted to express the general will and to make the laws of the land
The Revolution that led to the overthrow of the King Louis XVI and the end of 1000 years of monarchy
La Revolución que condujo al derrocamiento del rey Luis XVI y al fin de 1000 años de monarquía
French Revolution
Leader of the Reign of Terror, a period in which anyone who “dissented” was executed
Líder del Reinado del Terror, periodo en el que todo aquel que «disentía» era ejecutado
Maximilien Robespierre
Leader of the Haitian Revolution
Líder de la Revolución Haitiana
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Revolution where Saint-Domingue won independence from France
Revolución en la que Santo Domingo se independizó de Francia
Haitian Revolution
Year in which Haiti won its independence
Año de la independencia de Haití
An educated guess
What you see / Lo que ve
A legislative assembly representing the three estates: clergy, nobility, and commoners.
Asamblea legislativa que representa a los tres estamentos: clero, nobleza y plebeyos.
A device used for carrying out executions by beheading, symbolizing the Reign of Terror.
Dispositivo utilizado para llevar a cabo ejecuciones por decapitación, símbolo del Reinado del Terror.
A fundamental document of the French Revolution that outlined individual rights and freedoms.
Documento fundamental de la Revolución Francesa que esbozaba los derechos y libertades individuales.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
A radical political group that was in control during the Reign of Terror.
Grupo político radical que estuvo en el poder durante el Reinado del Terror.
The motto of the French Revolution meaning “Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood.”
Lema de la Revolución Francesa que significa «Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad».
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité