French Revolution Flashcards
Louis 16
supported America in the American Revolution, caused French bankruptcy, married to Marie Antoinette (daughter of Maria Theresa)
1st Estate
clergy members, tax exempt
2nd Estate
nobility, tax exempt
3rd Estate
everybody who isn’t nobility or clergy members, 96% of the population, paid taxes and feudal taxes
list of grievances for the Estates General for the king to fix
Abbe Sieyes
of the 1st Estate, supported the 3rd Estate, authored What is the 3rd Estate?
What is the 3rd Estate?
pamphlet authored by Abbe Sieyes, states the vitality of the 3rd Estate
The National Assembly
provisional government replacing the Estates General, made up of 3rd Estate members
Tennis Court Oath
oath made by The National Assembly stating they wouldn’t disband until they wrote a Constitution
Jacques Necker
the king’s financial minister who tried to get the king to even out taxes
Storming of the Bastille
July 14,1789, 3rd class storms Bastille prison and released prisoners and killed the guards
The Great Fear
revolting low classes, organized middle class, nobles keep low
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens
a blueprint for a constitutional monarchy, gives people due process of law
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
confiscates church property
money based on property
Legislative Assembly
a provisional constitutional monarchy, replaces the National Assembly
The March of Versailles
food shortages encouraged women to march to Versailles and take the king back to Paris
radical urban group supported by San-Culottes, liberal
extremely radical working class, liberal
moderate rule
French nobles who fled and warned other countries of the Revolution
Declaration of Pillnitz
Austria and Prussia declare that France must restore monarchy, 1791
The National Convention
replaces Legislative Assembly, France’s 1st republic
Committee of Public Safety
executive branch of National Convention, led by Maximilian Robespierre
Maximilian Robespierre
leader of Committee of Public Safety
Law of Suspects
law stating anyone suspected of trying to overthrow the Convention or bad mouth them was beheaded
Reign of Terror
era of beheading
Republic of Virtue
general will of the reign of terror
Law of General Conscription
able bodied men were enrolled in the army
Madame Roland
famous salon owner, took a stand against the violence of the Revolution
Charlotte Corday
Girondin, stabbed Jean Paul Marat
Georges Danton
Robespierre’s main advisor, suggested Robespierre calm down, beheaded
Festival of the Supreme Being
replaced Christian worship, where Robespierre advocated de-Christianization in his “Republic of Virtue” speech
right to vote
middle class
5 member executive committee dominated by the middle class, replaces National Convention
Edmund Burke
wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France
Reflections on the Revolution in France
by Edmund Burke, about how 1 generation ruined much generation’s work
Coup d’etat
Napoleon overthrows the directory
3 member committee that replaces the Directory
Napoleonic Code
codified French law, assured equality, property rights, and abolished serfdom
Napoleonic Wars
a series of wars France fights against the European powers to expand his Grand Empire
1st Coalition
against Great Britain, Prussia, Holland, and Spain, Netherlands and Italy came under French control
2nd Coalition
Great Britain, Austria, Russia, the Directory was in shambles
3rd Coalition
Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Austria’s main army was destroyed at Austerlitz and Austria allied with France
Battle of Trafalgar
English navy defeats Spanish and French navies
Horatio Nelson
leader of the English navy in the Battle of Trafalgar
Austria was defeated and allied with France
Confederation of the Rhine
Napoleon swept Hapsburgs out of the Holy Roman Empire and gave the throne to his family
Continental System
Napoleon doesn’t allow England to import or export in his realm, he controls ports
Treaty of Tilsit
Russia honors the continental system and France won’t declare war on them
Peninsular Wars
rebellions between Spanish Revolutionaries and France
Fransisco Goya
“Third of May, 1808” the second most important painting in Spanish history, romanticism style, shows atrocity of France to Spain
Cuba/ Puerto Rico
last remains of Spanish Empire
Johann Von Herder
argued that people have a unique historical experience, it’s hard to mix people from different places, tried to get Germans to stand up to France
national spirit
Frederic Von Schiller
German writer trying to turn Germany against France, wrote William Tell
William Tell
by Frederic Von Schiller, about Swedish William Tell standing up to controlling Hapsburgs
Strum and Drang
romantic literary movement started by Herder and Schiller that unified Germany
Embargo Act of 1807
US denies trade with France and England, pulled US into war
4th Coalition
against Britain, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, France brought an army to Leipzeig, Saxony and was defeated at Battle of Nation, pushed back to France
Count Klemens von Metternich
prime minister of Austria, spoke against Napoleon, wanted to return Europe to absolutism
Lord Talleyrand
prime minister of France who wanted to re-establish the Bourbon line of kings with Louis XVIII
the island napoleon was first exiled to
Constitutional Charger of 1814
when Émigrés return, they came with this constitution for aristocracy in an attempt to undo the revolution
Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon was again taken out by the powers and sent to St. Helena
St Helena
the island Napoleon was sent to as a result of the Battle of Waterloo
The Congress of Vienna
a congress attempting to undo the Revolution
Lord Castlereagh
represented Britain
Frederick William III
represented Prussia
Alexander I
represented Russia
put nobles on thrones
Balance of Power
keeping counties from becoming too strong
many countries were bankrupt, paid back with land
German Confederation
renamed Holy Roman Empire, run by Hapsburgs
Grand Duchess of Warsaw
renamed Poland, under Russia
The Rhineland
loaded with iron and coal, under Prussia
- Parma, Tuscany, Venetia, Lombardy
Italian countries under Hapsburgs, Venetia and Lombardy are annexed
Splendid Isolation
Britain uses islands as coal stations, expands empire
Quadruple Alliance
collective security agreement against rebellion between Prussia, Russia, Austria, and Great Britain
Holy Alliance
Alexander I tries to form a Holy Alliance for rulers who vow to rule Christianly
Concert of Europe/ The Metternich System
Congress of Vienna agrees to meet periodically in different European towns
Carlsbad Decrees
Congress of Vienna dissolves any liberal or nationalistic actions in colleges
Troppau Protocol
Alexander and Metternich agree that Russia has power over Poland
Greek Revolution
rebelling Greeks are encouraged instead of being stopped by the powers
London Protocol
gives Greeks independence