French Revolution Flashcards
A period of new thoughts regarding gov’t and humanity was called the…..
John Lockes main idea was that humans…..
were born w/ natural rights the gov’t should pretect
The three branches of gov’t each serve as checks and balances for each other. This was the idea of who??
Gatherings where he people of France discussed the ideas of the Enlightment.
Who was the economist who believed that the gov’t should take a “hands off” approach to the economy.
Adam Smith
The first revolution to be inspired but the Enlightenment was the…
American Revolution
What did the Treaty of Paris do?
It gave the Americans greater independence.
What are Social Classes in France called?
What percent of the 3rd class was France made up of?
When the estates general met, it was the first time in _______ Years?
Which estate did the poorest people in France belong to?
The 3rd Estate
Members of the bourgeois may have been what professions?
This is a large palace built for entertaining huge parties and nobles
What are some of the direst causes of the French Revolution?
- inequalities in society
- enlightenment ideas
- financial crisis
- .High taxes on the 3rd Estate
- Poor harvest that led to the 3rd estate suffering
Members of the 2nd estate were most likely in this profession.
Who inspired the French peasants?
Enlightenment Philosophers
Which class was taxed the most in France?
The 3rd Estate
Who was the King of France during the beginning of the French Revolution?
King Louis 16th
Who was the Queen of France during the French Revolution?
Marie Antoinette
Where did the 3rd estate go when they left the Estates General to form their own govt?
The tennis courts
the declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen were drafted by which gov’t of France.
National Assembly
Who marched from Paris to Versailles demanding bread and made an agreement with the king and his family to return with them to Paris?
7000 women
The Third Estate declared themselves to be the new government of France, and they called themselves the..
National Assembly
July 14, 1789 is famous because this is when the peasants:
Stormed the Bastille and began the French Revolution
The new government created the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen”. This document espoused the ideals of
- Equal rights of MEN
- The gov’t should protect natural rights
- Natural rights
Thousands were killed during the French Revolution by the….
The type of government that the French revolutionaries wanted was a…
The fate of both the king and queen of France was….
Being executed by the guillotine.
The period of time in which up to 40,000 people may have been executed during the French Revolution was called the…
Reign of Terror
The man who was in charge of the Committee of Public Safety and started a huge period of executions was named…
The new government set up at the end of the Terror ended, and tried to create order, but was too weak, corrupt, and inefficient was called
The directory
The man who took over France and led them out of the chaos of the Revolution with a coup d’état
Napoleon Bonaparte
This leader (from the previous question) was first banished to this island, from which he escaped…
When Napoleon gave his voters a question in 1804 that asked if they wanted to make France an empire, this vote was called a _
Who did Napoleon snatch a crown from to make himself emperor of France?
Pope Pius VII
Who was the British admiral who was undefeated at Sea against Napoleon at the Battle of the Nile and the Battle of Trafalgar?
Great Britain
What country was led by Czar Alexander I?
The country from the previous question had troops and peasants do what as Napoleon’s army advanced?
They set fire to the crops (scorched the earth)
After Napoleon escaped from his Isle, what did he do?
Took power for 100 days
What happened at the Battle of Waterloo?
Napoleon lost to Duke of Wellington and finally ends his power.
Where was Napoleon exiled to for the final time?
St. Helena
The Congress of Vienna had the purpose of what?
- Redraw the Map of Europe
2. Restore order and stability after war