French Rev 3 Flashcards
English physicist
Isaac Newton
Controller general of finances
A.R Turgot
English philosopher
John Locke
What did Voltaire do
- was against the church
- for freedom of thought
- believed in absolute monarchy
- hated injustice
- he was a philosophers
Who was Montesquieu
A philosopher
Believed that a ruler had to work with elected parliaments
Who was Jean Jacques Rousseau
A philosopher
Believed society needed a social contract
Believed everyone had a natural goodness
Ideas still used today
What is the first estate
The clergy
Had twice as much voting power than the middle class
What is the second estate
The aristocrats
Had twice as much voting power than the middle class
Third estate
Middle class Had more delegates
The village the sun king built his castle that he forced people to live in
And where Louis xvi ordered the estates general
The radicals
We’re at the back
Tennis court oath
A pledge they would continue meeting until France had a new government
Why were there riots
The high prices of bread
What did the mob do
Freed prisoners and stormed the bastille (a prison fortress)
What is a national guard
An army formed by citizens to keep the revolution going