french reflexive verbs present tense Flashcards
What is a reflexive verb in French?
A reflexive verb is one where the subject performs an action on itself.
How do you form the present tense of a reflexive verb?
You conjugate the verb normally and place the reflexive pronoun before the verb.
What is the reflexive pronoun for ‘je’?
The reflexive pronoun for ‘je’ is ‘me’.
Fill in the blank: ‘Tu _____ (se lever)’ means ‘You get up’.
te lèves
True or False: Reflexive verbs can be used in the passive voice.
What is the reflexive pronoun for ‘il/elle/on’?
The reflexive pronoun for ‘il/elle/on’ is ‘se’.
Conjugate ‘se laver’ for ‘nous’ in the present tense.
Nous nous lavons.
What does ‘Ils se réveillent’ mean in English?
They wake up.
Which reflexive pronoun is used for ‘vous’?
The reflexive pronoun for ‘vous’ is ‘vous’.
Fill in the blank: ‘Elle _____ (s’habiller)’ means ‘She gets dressed’.
True or False: The reflexive pronoun always agrees with the subject.
What is the meaning of ‘se coucher’?
To go to bed.
Conjugate ‘s’amuser’ for ‘je’ in the present tense.
Je m’amuse.
What is the reflexive pronoun for ‘nous’?
The reflexive pronoun for ‘nous’ is ‘nous’.
Translate to English: ‘Vous vous brossez les dents.’
You brush your teeth.
How do you say ‘to enjoy oneself’ in French?
Fill in the blank: ‘Je _____ (se laver)’ means ‘I wash myself’.
me lave
What is the present tense form of ‘se dépêcher’ for ‘ils’?
Ils se dépêchent.
Conjugate ‘s’appeler’ for ‘tu’ in the present tense.
Tu t’appelles.
What does ‘se sentir’ mean in English?
To feel.
True or False: Reflexive verbs can only be used in the first person.
What is the reflexive pronoun for ‘elles’?
The reflexive pronoun for ‘elles’ is ‘se’.
Fill in the blank: ‘Il _____ (s’ennuyer)’ means ‘He is bored’.
Translate to French: ‘We get up.’
Nous nous levons.
What is the present tense form of ‘se fâcher’ for ‘vous’?
Vous vous fâchez.
True or False: ‘se laver’ is a reflexive verb.