French Mock Vocab Flashcards
L’appartement (m)
The apartment
L’arbre (m)
The tree
L’association caritative (f)
The charity organisation
L’avocat (m)
The lawyer/avocat
Le bâtiment
The building
La bêtise
The mistake/silly thing
La boutique
The boutique/shop
Le bulletin scolaire
The school report
Le bureau
The office/desk
Le cahier
The exercise book
Le canard
The duck
La caractère
The character/personality
La carrière
The career
Le chômage
The unemployment
La confiance
The trust/confidence
Le conseil municipal
The town/city council
Les copines
The friends (GIRLS)
La crise économique
The economic crisis
Le déboisement
The deforestation
Le dessin
The art (subject)
La dispute
The argument/dispute
L’eau courante (f)
The running water
L’écran (m)
The screen
L’embouteillage (m)
The traffic jam