french grammar Flashcards
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to go
j’ aille
tu ailles
il,elle,on aille
nous allions
vous alliez
ils,elles aillent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to have
j’ aie
tu aies
il,elle,on ait
nous ayons
vous ayez
ils,elles aient
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to say; to tell
je dise
tu dises
il,elle,on dise
nous disions
vous disiez
ils,elles disent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to be
je sois
tu sois
il,elle,on soit
nous soyons
vous soyez
ils,elles soient
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to do; to make
je fasse
tu fasses
il,elle,on fasse
nous fassions
vous fassiez
ils,elles fassent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to like
j’ aime
tu aimes
il,elle,on aime
nous aimions
vous aimiez
ils,elles aiment
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to learn; to teach
j’ apprenne
tu apprennes
il,elle,on apprenne
nous apprenions
vous appreniez
ils,elles apprennent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to arrive, to happen
j’ arrive
tu arrives
il,elle,on arrive
nous arrivions
vous arriviez
ils,elles arrivent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to drink
je boive
tu boives
il,elle,on boive
nous buvions
vous buviez
ils,elles boivent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to choose
je choisisse
tu choisisses
il,elle,on choisisse
nous choisissions
vous choisissiez
ils,elles choisissent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to begin
je commence
tu commences
il,elle,on commence
nous commencions
vous commenciez
ils,elles commencent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to understand
je comprenne
tu comprennes
il,elle,on comprenne
nous comprenions
vous compreniez
ils,elles comprennent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to know (a place or person)
je connaisse
tu connaisses
il,elle,on connaisse
nous connaissions
vous connaissiez
ils,elles connaissent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to ask for
je demande
tu demandes
il,elle,on demande
nous demandions
vous demandiez
ils,elles demandent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to owe; to have to
je doive
tu doives
il,elle,on doive
nous devions
vous deviez
ils,elles doivent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to give
je donne
tu donnes
il,elle,on donne
nous donnions
vous donniez
ils,elles donnent
Conjugate in the present of the subjunctive.
to finish
je finisse
tu finisses
il,elle,on finisse
nous finissions
vous finissiez
ils,elles finissent
when is ‘qui’ used?
“Qui” is used to replace the subject in a sentence, whether it’s referring to a person or a thing.
when is ‘que’ used?
“Que”, on the other hand, is used to replace the direct object.
when is ‘ou’ used?
“où” can refer to a location or a point in time.
when is ‘dont’ used?
The relative pronoun “dont” is used to express possession or to describe something.
when are lequel/ auquel/ duquel used?
To replace an object preceded by a preposition.
(only replace things, not people)
State the different versions of ‘lequel’
What prepositions are used with ‘lequel’?
sur, pour, dans, avec
State the different versions of ‘auquel’
à laquelle
What prepositions are used with ‘auquel’?
State the different versions of ‘duquel’
de laquelle
What prepositions are used with ‘duquel’?
près de, à côté de, auprès de, en face de, à cause de
“L’ordinateur est neuf. Je travaille sur mon ordinateur.” What preposition is used?
L’ordinateur sur lequel je travaille est neuf.
“L’appartement était bien placé. Je pense à cet appartement.” What preposition is used?
L’appartement auquel je pense était bien placé.
“Le magasin vend des produits bio. J’habite près de ce magasin.” What preposition is used?
Le magasin près duquel j’habite vend des produits bio.
state formula for lequel
noun + preposition + lequel + [subject + verb]
state formula for duquel
noun + preposition + duquel + [subject + verb]
state formula for auquel
noun + preposition + auquel + [subject + verb]
what is the pluperfect formation of avoir with ‘je’?
what is the pluperfect formation of avoir with ‘tu’?
tu avais
what is the pluperfect formation of avoir with ‘il/elle/on’?
il/elle/on avait
what is the pluperfect formation of avoir with ‘nous’?
nous avions
what is the pluperfect formation of avoir with ‘vous’?
vous aviez
what is the pluperfect formation of avoir with ‘ils/elles’?
ils/elles avaient
what is the pluperfect formation of etre with ‘je’?
what is the pluperfect formation of etre with ‘tu’?
tu etais
what is the pluperfect formation of etre with ‘il/elle/on’?
il/elle/on etait
what is the pluperfect formation of etre with ‘nous’?
nous etions
what is the pluperfect formation of etre with ‘vous’?
vous etiez
what is the pluperfect formation of etre with ‘ils/elles’?
ils/elles etaient