French End of Term-11.10.24 Flashcards
End of Term Test ^_^
What does Je n’e pais mean?
Negative phrase - I don’t have.
What does quelquefois and toujours mean?
Sometimes and Always.
What do parce que or car mean?
plus, moins
More and Less.
What does J’aimerais être mean?
I would like to be.
What two similar meanings does Il y a have?
They are/ there is.
What does Je m’appelle, Il/ Elle s’appelle, Ils s’appellent(include pronouns)
I am, he is, she is called.
What does Mon, ma, mes mean and what genders are they?
He, she, plural and they mean my.
What does it mean if a word ends in (-ance; -ence; -tion; -ssion; -té /)
They are feminine verb endings.
What does ton, ta and tes mean and what genders are they?
They mean you and are he, she and plural.
What does la, le, les and l’ mean and what genders are they?
They mean the she, he and plural. I’ is used when a word starts with a vowel. It also means the.
Name 5 family members in French.
Oncle, cousine, soeurs, mari, pere, grand-pere.
Name 3 examples of other peoples family members.
La femme de mon frère, Le mari de ma sœur, Mon oncle papa are a few examples.
Name 10 adjectives in French?
charitable, ambititieux, equitable, eloquente, considere, fidele, considere, confiant, creatif are a few exmaples of nouns of the topic list.
Name 10 Nouns from the topic list?
fierte, puissance, ambition, egalite, generosite, savoir, industrie, dieux, deesses, compassion, originalite are a few examples of nouns of the topic list.