French Contract Law Flashcards
What is the purpose of French Contract Law?
More than just market transactions. Contractual justice, proper balance between parties. To protect consumers, good faith.
What is the scope of application of general provisions of contract law?
The scope of general provisions had decreased and the Reform of 2016 did not put an end to this. The general rules remain as a recidial set of rules, only applicable in the absence of other applicable rules, like consument or commercial law.
What is the purpose of general rules?
Symbolic function with general principles
What is the difference between common and statutory law regarding general provisions?
General law of contract remains dominated by the common law, whereas the statutory regulates only those aspects seen of needing a special rule
What is the Sale of Goods Act of 1979?
Specified some particular points without giving a broad view of the special contract. Symbolic for the differences between French law and English law. English law does not have the same strong philosophy of the special contract as French law and the general provisions are of more importance there.
What are the key features of the contract in French law?
The freedom of contract, the binding force of contract, and that the contract must be negotiated, formed and performed in good faith
What is the general definition of the contract?
Art 11:01 CC A contract is a concordence of wills, two or more persons intented to create, modify, transfer or estinguish obligations
What is the standard form of contract?
Art 11.10 CC Form of contract whose general conditions are determined in advance by one of the parties without negotiation
How does the Civil Code protect parties from standard form of contract?
Art 11.71 protects when there is a clause determined in advance by one of the parties which creates a significant imbalance between the rights and obligations of the parties, and makes the clause of the contract deemed unwritten. Also protection in Consumer Code Art L202 and Commercial Code Art 442
How does English law view standard form contracts?
Standard form of contract is as binding as any other contract, except some exceptions for Consumer Contracts
What is the importance of good faith in French law?
Good faith is a governing, counter principle of the binding force in French law. Art 11.04 CC say contracts must be formed and performed in good faith.
From google: Good faith is a sincere intention to be fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the interaction.
How do English law view good faith?
Does not view good faith as a counter principle to the binding force of contract. It undermines the contractual certainty
What does the Anthropolitic view of the contract in the Civil code mean?
That we usually present the birth of the contract with some special rules, its effects and then its termination
In the precontractual period, before the meeting of the wills, how does one create a valid contract?
The main rule is full contractual freedom with consent from the parties. Three defects of consent were codified in 2015:
- Fraud (bedrägeri)
- Duress (olaga tvång)
- Mistake
What are the conditions of negotiations in the creation of valid contract?
Art 11.12 CC: Initiative, conduct and termination of precontractual negotiation are free. They must satisfy the requirement of good faith.
What happens if there is a wrongful termination of a contract obligation?
Art 11:12.1 Wrongful termination gives rise to compensation
Case Memokin Vs. Stock: Negotiation had been going on for months to prepare a huge M&A. Stock left the negotiations. Memokin could be compensated for the loss of time and fees for lawyers, but not for the loss of advantage to buy shares (due to freedom of contract)
Case Baldus shows the consequences of withholding information is this precontractual phase. No duty disclose the artist’s fame, no matter if it was sold under market-value.
Why is it necessary to codify offer and acceptance?
For instance to when you have two offers, then you are bound to the first offere, even if at lower price.
Other example, is for knowing what happens when one makes offer and then dies. If you are dead you are no longer bound, neither are your hiers.
How does does the Civil Code use offer and acceptance?
Article 11.16
1 §: “ The offer may not be withdrawn before the expiry of the time limit set by the offered or fading that, after reasonsable period”
2 §: “Withdraw of the offer in violation of this prohibition prevents the conclusion of the contract”
3 §: “The offered should be liable under the conditions of ordinary law without being obliged to compensate for the loss of the benefits accepted from the contract”
Article 11.17
1 § “The offer lapses on expiry of the period set by the offeror, or failing that, after a reasonable period”
2 § “It shall also laps in the event of the incapacity or death of the Offerer or the death of the Offeree”
Article 11.18
2 § “As long as the acceptance has not reached the Offerer, it may be freely withdrawn, if the withdraw reaches the Offerer before the acceptance”