French And Indian War Connolly Flashcards
French advantages
Single government
Allies with Algonquin/Huron
Well trained army
Religious revival that saw large crowds gathering to hear dynamic preachers and exchange ideas about religious and social issues
Great Awakening
Movement when people looked to science, math and logic to shape thinking
British Secretary of State that helped improve the war effort
William Pitt
British General who was defeated on his way to Fort Duquesne
Edward Braddock
Colonel of the Virginia militia that fought with Braddock
George Washington
French general that successfully led the Canadian campaign
Marquis de Montcalm
Major British victory over the French to control Canada
Battle of Quebec
French fort at the forks of the Ohio River
Fort Duquesne
Statesman from Pennsylvania who proposed the Albany Plan
Benjamin Franklin
First permanent English settlement in North America
Set of laws that ensured British control of trade in North America
Navigation Act of 1666
Mohawk leader who allied with the British
Joseph Brant
Idea formed at a meeting of the colonies to bring unity to the colonies
Albany Plan
Agreement that gave the French lands in North America to the English
Treaty of Paris
Valuable land that the British and French want to control
Ohio River Valley
Location of General Braddock’s defeat
Monongahela River
British advantages
Large militia Population of 1.5 million Large navy Allies with the Iroquois Self-supporting
General that led the British to victory at Quebec
James Wolfe