French Flashcards
What is a pen?
Un stylo
What is a notebook?
Un cahier
What is a book?
Un livre
What is a folder?
Un classeur
What is a ruler?
Une règle
Write and say the alphabet.
Pg 3 W/B
What is a pencil?
Un crayon
What is a rubber?
Une gomme
What is a tablet? (iPad)
Une tablette
What is a pencil sharpener?
Un taille-crayon
What is a computer?
Un ordinateur
Write and say the days of the week.
Lundi, mardi, mecredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche.
What is a dictionary in French?
Un dictionnaire
Write and say the numbers from 0-30.
Zèro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt, vingt-et-un, vingt-deux, vingt-trois, vingt-quatre, vingt-cinq, vingt-six, vingt-sept, vingt-huit, vingt-neuf, trente.
Say and write ‘Être’. (In English and French.)
Je suis - I am Tu es - You are Il est - He is Elle est - She is On est - We are (informal) Nous sommes - We are (formal) Vous êtes - You (p) are Ils sont - They are (Males & females) Elles sont - They are(Females only)
Say and write ‘Avoir’. (English and French.)
J’ai - I have Tu as - You have Il a - He has Elle a - She has On a - We have (informal) Nous avons - We have (formal) Vous avez - You (p) have Ils ont - They have (Males & females) Elles ont - They have (Females only)
What are the directions? (North, South, etc.)
Nord A I I Ouest Est I I V Sud
What is ‘What’ in French?