French 26 Flashcards
La pomme est rouge
The Apple is red
C’est la pomme de John
It is johns apple
Je donne la pomme à John
I give John the Apple
On lui donne la pomme
We give him the Apple
Il la donné à John
He gives it to John
Elle la lui donne
She give it to him
Je dois la lui donne
I must give it to him
Je veux la lui donner
I want to give it to him
Je le saurai demain
Im going to know tomorrow
Je ne peux pas manger la pomme
I can’t eat the Apple
J’ai mangé la pomme
I have eaten the Apple
Est-ce la pomme est rouge
Is the Apple red
Les pommes sont rouge
The apples are red
La pomme était rouge
The Apple was red
C’était la pomme de John
It was johns apple
J’ai donné la pomme à John
I gave the apple to john
On lui a donné la pomme
We gave him the apple
Il l’a donné à John
He gave it to John
Elle lui a donnée
She gave it to him
Je devais lui donner
I had to give it to him
Je voulais lui donner
I wanted to give it to her
J’allais savoir hier
I was going to know yesterday
Je ne pouvez pas manger la pomme
I couldn’t eat the apple
J’avais manger la pomme
I had eaten the apple
Est-ce la pomme était rouge
Was the apple red
Les pommes étaient rouge
The apples were red