French 2020 Chapitre 6 Grammaire Flashcards
To compare most adjectives, you use these three phrases.
plus + adjective + que…
moins + adjective + que…
aussi + adjective + que…
To compare most adverbs, you use these three phrases.
plus + adverb + que…
moins + adverb + que…
aussi + adverb + que…
Which adverbs have irregular comparative forms?
bien and mal
what are the three comparative forms of bien?
moins bien
aussi bien
What are the three comparative forms of mal?
plus mal
moins mal
aussi mal
How do you form a superlative form for adjectives?
add a definite article (le, la, les) to plus or moins. The whole phrase is placed after the noun (when it expressed) and the preposition de is placed after the whole phrase (isn’t necessary) and means in or of.
How do you form a superlative form for adverbs?
add a definite article (le, la, les) to plus or moins place before the adverb and add a de after the adverb.
what is the superlative form for bon?
le/la/les meilleur(e)(s)
What is the superlative form for mauvais?
le/la/les pire(s)
what are the superlative forms for bien?
le mieux
le moins bien
What are the superlative forms for mal?
le plus mal
le moins mal
When using the comparative and superlatives as adverbs themselves, what changes?
Aussi que -> autant que
ex: Céline dépense autant que Thomas.
To compare nouns or quantities of things, you use…
plus de/d’ + noun + que
moins de/d’ + noun + que
autant de/d’ + noun + que
When do you use the relative pronoun, que?
to combine two ideas together into one sentence.
que is used when the verb is acting on a direct object.
When do you use the relative pronoun, qui?
to combine two ideas together into one sentence.
qui is used to when the verb is acting on a subject
Can qui be used with any prepositions such as avec, à, pour?
Verbs in the past after the relative pronoun, que, must…
agree in number and gender with the direct object.
When do you use the relative pronoun, dont?
the relative pronoun replaces de when used with a noun that requires de. It can also be used to replace a possessive (whose). Example of verbs include: parler de, avoir besoin de, avoir envie de, avoir peur de, se souvenir de, etc
when there is no specific noun mentioned before, you can use the relative pronoun…
ce qui, ce dont, ce que
Which relative pronoun do you use for when or where?
où replaces expressions of time and place
How do you form the plus-que-parfait?
Use the avoir or être auxiliary in the imparfait, + a passé composé past participle.
Plus-que-parfait can be used with the word, si. What does it express with this word?
a wish or regret about past event.
When using the plus-que-parfait with the être auxiliary, what must you do with the passé composé verb?
the passé composé needs to agree in number and gender with the noun.
When do you use the plus-que-parfait?
when talking in the past about an event in the mid past that has also already been completed.