French 12 Ask Question Flashcards
gourmand adf
les des mes
the next word starts in vowel u connect and is is pr as z
What do you want to eat for example
Qu’est-ce que tu veux manger plus infinitive pr K es qu
Do you want to eat for example
Esr que tu veux manger plus infintive
I do not fancy
Je n’ai pas envie pr ovi is longing or desire
We can swim note to use the O pronoun
On peut nager plus infinitive
You want to run another way of saying
ça te dit de courir
With pleasure
Avec plaisir
I don not want to do anything
ça ne me dit rien
It is a good idea
C’est une bonne idée
all countries ending in ia ends in ie in French
Tunisia is tunisie
All noun starts with vowel even if fem use masc pr
mon ton son
to dry yourself
se sécher
to hurry yourself
se dépecher
according to or depending to
selon as prep