Freedom Test Flashcards
What is freedom?
The ability to follow God and the ability to live the way you were created to live.
Ability to give yourself away in love to god and others.
For a Christian, this means being created in gods image, having a relationship with one another, being free from slavery and having no person stopping you from doing this.
Political freedom?
Freedom from human slavery, government tyranny or discrimination.
It’s also the freedom from oppression and the freedom of speech.
Secular freedom?
Types of physical freedom.
Concept of freedom from a non-religious perspective.
Having rights ➡️ being able to do what YOU want.
God calls people to allow them to admit their sins and ask for forgiveness. God calls us to repent, which means to turn away from the old and turn towards God. He calls us to faith (gift from God) which means believe and trust, act accordingly and be aware Jesus is our saviour.
The Holy Spirit helps to convict a sinner of their sin.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
Acts 2:38 (repentance)
John 6:29 (faith)
STEP 2 - God changes the standing of sinners (the salvation itself) ➡️ ATONEMENT
Jesus’ death was atoned for the sin of the world (paid the price for everyone’s wrong doing). We are reconciled with God due to Jesus’ crucifixion (allowing us to gain a relationship with God).
STEP 2 - God changes the standing of sinners (the salvation itself) ➡️ REGENERATION
Idea that all Christians are born again. The old is gone, which allows you to start with new salvation.
Moral change ➡️ wrought in the heart of a person of the Holy Spirit.
Radical change ➡️ by the efficient work of the Holy Spirit.
It’s brought about by God, not just a person turning over a new leaf.
STEP 2 - God changes the standing of sinners (the salvation itself) ➡️ JUSTIFICATION
Justification is the judicial declaration of god.
Made pure.
Jesus’ crucifixion doesn’t mean we are justified, it means we stand in front of god without sin.
This belief says that Jesus’ atoning work on the cross allows us to be justified ➡️ our sin has been paid for and we have been pronounced “non-guilty”.
STEP 2 - God changes the standing of sinners (the salvation itself) ➡️ ADOPTION
God has adopted the believer into the family (they are made a child of God). Gaining rights/privileges and entailing inheritance from god.
What does the act of salivation bring us freedom from?
Salvation gives us freedom from sin. It allows a person to experience freedom from these emotions because they are forgiven, and can forgive others.
You’re also asking for God’s forgiveness.
Slavery to sin
About how you want to do good - but you don’t, OR, you don’t want to do bad, but you do it
This idea leads to idolatry = putting anything before God (due to an extreme addiction ➡️ drugs, consumerism)
What does sin lead to?
Guilt, shame, remorse, anger and bitterness.
Sin causes a separation with god (spiritual and physical death).
STEP 3: God changes sinners ➡️ Sanctification
An act and a process.
The act of sanctification is to become a saint, however, there is a process that still needs to be followed to ensure we improve in other areas.
This process of the Holy Spirit allows believers to be like Chirst (in all that we do, think and desire), however this isn’t automatic - you appropriate into it over time.