Free will & Determinism Flashcards
what are the two religious concepts of predestination ?
John Calvin’s doctrine of election
St Augustine’s doctrine of original sin
why may religious people argue freedom over our choice is important ?
to show were making choices out of our own volition and then can be judged and are either praiseworthy or punishable
who was and what did Pelagius believe about free will ?
British monk who taught that free will was the highest human attribute, said humans choose to do good and bad actions
who was and what did Pelagius believe about free will ?
British monk who taught that free will was the highest human attribute, said huans choose to do good and bad actions
background to the original sin
Adam and Eve had free will and could choose to sin or abstain from sin
what is the original sin ?
A and e were given free will and disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, when they ate the fruit corruption entered them
result of the original sin ?
a defect to all human character ‘concupiscence’
meaning (‘longing’ and moral agents looking for earthly desires such as materialism e.g food and sex rather than having the desire to know and love God)
what are the two reasons concupiscence is passed on from Adam and Eve to every person ?
1- humans are seminaly present in the loins of Adam
2- humanity is born from sexual intercourse which is a result of concupiscence and thus humanity inherits concupiscence
what is the result of concupiscence ?
according to Augustine all humanity for as a ‘massa peccati’ (lump of sin)
while we may have ‘free will’ or ‘libertum arbitrium’ in the sense we can choose our course of conduct, we still lack true freedom to avoid sin, we are predestined to sin
what is the alternative view on predestination held by the Protestant churches ?
originates from Pauls letter to the Romans and says God has already chosen who will be saved and who wont
background basis of Calvinism ?
central idea is the sovereignty of God (power over everything)
Calvinism is based on 5 points (TULIP) which all stem from the basic idea of God, humans must also depend on God to be saved
corrupted nature of humans in Calvinism ?
- said like Augustine humans are totally depraved after the fall and cant choose to obey or disobey God as they are too wrapped up in sin
explain Augustine’s doctrine of original sin ?
- humanity is born with free will (liberum arbitrium) but concupiscence acts as an overriding secondary human nature which over rides humans free will losing their libertas so humans cant choose to not sin due to dominant concupiscence pre-determining all moral agents to sin
who was John Calvin ?
French theologian, principle figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism and included doctrines of predestination, the greatest influencer on him was Augustine, he developed his ideas into the Doctrine of election
background basis of Calvinism ?
central idea is the sovereignty of God (power over everything)
Calvinism is based on 5 points (TULIP) which all stem from the basic idea of God, huamns must also depend on God to be saved
what is the doctrine of election ? 5 main points for Clavins DOE
what is T for in doctrine of election
total depravity
- means sin is in every part of ones being, human race is without hope in terms of salvation
what is U for in Tulip ?
unconditional election
- belief that God made the choice for some to go to eternal life and some for eternal damnation, this number is fixed so cannot be changed
- God divides humans into the elect and the reprobates
general problems with predestination ?
- conflicts with the idea of free will and suggests no person should take responsibility for their actions with contradicts the justice system our laws are based on
- makes no sense to talk of judgement of God in the Bible if everything is predestined
- for many freedom is necessary in Christian faith and backed up in many areas of the Bible e.g Psalms David wrote ‘i have chosen to be obedient’
- surely we have to be free to make moral choice and Christianity is a religion about living a moral life
- why would God allow this to happen ? if he is benevolent
L in tulip ?
limited atonement, Jesus died only for the elect, God wouldn’t waste sacrifice on whom he’d determined not to save
I in TULIP ?
irresistible grace
- by Gods grace alone man is saved
- Gods grace overwhelms the elected so much that if they wanted to resist they couldn’t, the Holy spirit extents inward and external (gospel message open to all) calls
general problems with predestination ?
- conflicts with the idea of free will and suggests no person should take responsibility for their actions with contradicts the justice system our laws are based on
- makes no sense to talk of judgement of God in the Bible if everything is predestined
- for many freedom is necessary in Christian faith and backed up in many areas of the Bible e.g Psalms David wrote ‘i have chosen to be obedient’
- surely we have to be free to make moral choice
strengths of predestination
- Augustines argument has heavily influenced Catholics belief
- Some theologians argue that God has the power to give humanity free will, god gives humanity free will so that humanity can have true faith in him
- Calvin said there evidence in the Bible that implies humanity is predestined such as Romans 8:29
what is determinism ?
the belief that suggests all event are predestined
hard determinism ?
belief all event are pre-determined and there is no such thing as free choice
soft determinism ?
belief that acts can be both caused and free
what is philosophical determinism ?
investigation of nature, causes or principles of determinism based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods
who was John Locke ?
‘father of liberalism’ and English philosopher
what is a compatabalist ?
a person who thinks that concepts of determinism and free will are not contradictory but compatible with each other
what is libertrianism ?
philosophy which holds that human beings are free and any concept of determinism is false
who is Thomas Hobbes ?
English philosopher associated with soft determinism