Free Will & Determinism Flashcards
Hard determinism
There is no free will as the future is already decided
Causal determinism
Everything in the universe has a cause that proceeds it - people are either lucky or unlucky
Used the analogy of a meal - a certain combination
If someone commits a crime and is punished by the state ‘he deserved it we say self righteously as if we were moral and he immoral when in fact we are lucky and he is unlucky…’
Conveyed people are obedient to authority
Prison study
If we manipulate the environment we can change a persons behaviour
John Locke
Argues freedom is simply an illusion e.g. Sleeping man
Considered ideas of Darwin recognising that emotions e.g. Guilt and love have an evolutionary advantage
Immutable laws of nature
Isaac newton humans beings as part of that universe must be similarly governed
Near determinism allows that there may be some indeterminsm which we don’t have any choice over so we don’t have moral responsibility
Therefore whatever I do I couldn’t have done otherwise so can’t be punished
We have a kind of liked which is incompatible with a belief in determinism. The future is just effects of effects
Defended Leopoldo and loeb
Their actions are simply the product of their backgrounds
Accept that universal causation would apply to a mechanistic world but this would not influence human choice
Someone with free will doesn’t simply act they apply reason
Morality belongs in the noumenal world. Our moral will is a priori when determinists observe causality they’re observing events in the phenomenal world
We fear freedom so we blame our past.
There are some things we can’t change but we have the ability to reassess the past
We are always trying to escape freedom which is to much so we blame our past preferring to see ourselves as being in itself
This allows for our moral responsibility
There are physical causes that limit our freedom we can’t choose not to be in that situation but you can choose your response
There are statements that are necessarily true and other truths that are no less true but contingently e.g. Runners
Recognises that there are some things over which we have no control and our brain type will control the way we behave
Behaviour is never predictable
Original sin
Adam and Eve the garden of Eden
Originated from the teaching of Saint Paul - we are all semi ally present and must recognise this is
Saint Paul quote
For those god called he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son
Augustine quote
The potter has authority over the clay from the same lump to make one vessel for honour and another for contempt
Calvin quote
For he does not create everyone in the same condition but ordains eternal life for some and damnation for others
Timeless omniscient God
Knows everything about the past present and future at once
Everlasting God
He experiences time as linear in the same way as we do. He can know everything about the past and present but not the future
Peter Geach
Idea of god as a chess grand master who will beat a novice despite the fact they’re completely free to move