Free Will And Determinism Flashcards
Def free will
The belief that People make choices about their actions and is capable of self determination, they are in control of their future
Def determinism
The belief human behaviour is caused by factors a person cannot control, these forces can be internal or external
Example of free will vs determinism
Kray twins
Determinism viewpoint kray twins
Influences out of their control lead to this behaviour putting them in prison
Free will viewpoint kray twins
They chose to commit the crimes putting them in prison
2 types of determinism
Def hard determinism
Aka fatalism - everything we do governed by internal or external forces that can’t be controlled by the person. Scientific because we should always find cause of behaviour
Def soft determinism
Put forward by William and James who accept benefits amour has a cause but suggests people have some mental cause over their behaviour
3 explanations for hard determinism
Why do these 3 explanations demonstrate hard determinism
Because their behaviour is determined by internal or external factors that we cannot control
Description psychic determinism
Freud thought free will is an illusion and emphasised determining influences on behaviour and suggested behaviour is never accidental
Description biological determinism
Genetics, hormones and evolution play a role in personality, health and intelligence eg the nervous system and neurotransmitters
Description environmental determinism
Skinner said free will is an illusion and free will is just a result of conditioning and reinforcement, behaviour is shaped by events and socialising agents
Example of soft determinism
Bandura learning theory - factors like reinforcement in learning are important but people can chose whether they behave a certain way
Why is determinism scientific
- deterministic approach emphasises idea that all behaviours are predictable
- it can be tested, controlled and manipulated because it has a cause
- if a behaviour has a cause, scientists can test predictions about future behaviour
Therefore scientific
Strength of free will approach
Evidence to support concept of free will
- good face validity because people exercise choice in everyday life
- also linked to humanistic theories because suggests people need to be self determining
- supported by locus of control - Maslow and Rodgers suggest bettering mental health when exercising free will
Weakness of free will
Free will is an illusion
- difficult to measure though neuroscience experiment did
- skinner and Freud measured brain activity when making decisions
- brain acitivty increased before person decided to react showing their brain determines decisions
Strength of determinism
Consistent with aims of science
- determinist believes all behaviour is caused allowing general laws of behaviour to be made
- controlled research giving statistical data that can be analysed giving scientific credibility
Weakness of determinism
Incompatible with legal system
- we can’t hold people responsible to crime if they didn’t chose to commit it
- limited application in legal settings
- courts should consider interaction of free will and determinism in crime (soft determinism approach)
Strength soft determinism
Good application in treatment
- free will in terms of making goals in therapy
- determinist to treatment when given medication to manage biological determinate of self control
- leading to worthwhile and reliable treatment