Free Will Flashcards
(intro) Whats the cetral question
are individuals genuinely free to make choices, or are their actions determined by prior causes?
(intro) What are the two views
- Baron d’Holbach’s hard determinism argues that human actions are dictated by natural laws, meaning free will is an illusion.
- Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialism libertarianism champions radical freedom, arguing humans define themselves through their actions, or existence precedes essence, and emphasising personal responsibility, making freedom both a reality and a burden.
(intro) what are the implcation on
- moral responsibility, and justice
- ethical implications for crime and punishment, contrasting rehabilitation with retributive justice.
(HD) what is the main asseration
all events, including human actions, are determined by preceding causes, governed by the laws of nature, leaving no room for free will
(HD) What is d’holbachs addition
- the universe is mechanistic, npund by natural laws, where every occurrence is an inevitable consequence of prior states.
(HD) what is thus concet and what does it mean
This concept is called causal necessity: given specific prior conditions, only one outcome is possible. Human decisions and actions are thus the result of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
(HD) what is the cahos ball theory
chaotic balls moing through a space where the;
1. trajetory
2. speed
3. valocuty
his another ball thus detraminig their own ttaj,sped,val
human actiosn are the same, all a caula chain form the big bain that neccsitate only one outcome
(HD) give me incoptablism in standard form
Premise 1: For free will to exist, individuals must be able to act otherwise.
Premise 2: If determinism is true, every action is causally determined by prior events.
Premise 3: If actions are causally determined, individuals cannot act otherwise.
Conclusion: Therefore, free will is an illusion.
(HD) what is the stance of human psycholgy
reductionist, laiming thoughts and choices reduce to brain processes governed by physical laws,
(HD) what other theory does this align with
J.J.C. Smart’s identity theory by equating mental states with brain states, arguing that terms like “consciousness” may eventually be replaced by neuroscientific language,
although this appeals to the future fallacy.
(HD) explain lapalces demon
Laplace proposed an all seeing demon, who could see adn pericev evry past action, oculd iwth certinity predict the future. the implicatiosn of this however heavliy impcat modern understanding of moral responsblity
(HD punish) how does HD apply to punishmnet
If choices are not free, holding individuals morally accountable—by blame or praise—is unjust.
(HD punish) what is an illustrtive example
if a person commits robbery due to socioeconomic factors, childhood environment, or natural laws like genetic predispositions, it would be unreasonable to assign moral guilt as if they could have acted differently.
(HD punish) how would a HD explain the robbery
their actiosn were set in motion due to;
1. a need form money –> born low ses family
2. a predispoition to commit crime –> parenst nver discplined them
3. a low iq preventing other oppertinutie –> biologcal circumstances
therefor he couldnt have chosen otherwise
(HD punish) how does this aign with retribuitve justice in standard form
Premise 1: Retributive justice assumes individuals have free will and can be held morally responsible.
Premise 2: If determinism is true free will does not exist
Conclusion: Retributive justice has no moral foundation.
(HD punish) should we then ablosih punishemnt?
nah fam, actions stem from biolgical and envrioment circumsatnces, punishment itslef is a part of the causal chain
1. puts robbery on a new path through rehablitation
2. shows robber actions are wr9ng and not worth it
3. other predisposed indviduals hit like a ball off the path of robbery
all of this os already caulsally detremined
(HD punish) what dhosuld the aletrnative be
a result justice system should focus on rehabilitation and deterrence, addressing the causes of criminal behaviour.
(HD punish) how would hd respond to the robbery
- focus on rehabilitation,
- providing education or therapy
- ## address the environmental and psychological factors contributing to the crime.This approach prevents future crimes by modifying systemic conditions, aligning with social justice ideals.
(HD punish) what is the core philsophy
Punishment, in this view, is not morally justified in itself but can be practical if it prevents further harm, though with an aim to reduce recidivism and foster a more just society.
(HD - crit) How compelling is this arguemnt
Compelling as ot takes modern understanings of sicatl casues of crime into consideration however not without preventive measures