Free Movement of Persons Flashcards
Walrave and Koch
A worker is someone engaged in economic activity having the character of gainful employment.
Union Royal Belge des Societies de Football Association ASBL
A worker is someone engaged in economic activity having the character of gainful employment.
‘Worker’ must be given a Union meaning.
Employment relationship:
- Individual provides services
- For/under the direction of another
- In return for remuneration
Economic activity must be effective and genuine, not marginal or ancillary.
This includes part-time work provided the work is neither nominal nor minimal
A person who supplements their income with social security payments is still a worker as long as their work is genuine and effective economic activity.
Economic activity must be effective and genuine, not marginal or ancillary.
If work is primarily a means of rehabilitation or reintegration it will be considered marginal or ancillary.
Betray should be treated as specific to the particular facts of the case.
Article 45 TFEU confers a right on nationals of a MS to enter and reside in the territory of another MS to look for work.
Article 45 TFEU confers a right on nationals of a MS to enter and reside in the territory of another MS to look for work. However, this can be subjected to a temporal limitation. 6 months was held to be a reasonable time. After this period, the individual can be asked to leave unless he can provide evidence that he is continuing to seek employment and that he has genuine chances of being engaged.
‘Union citizenship is destined to be the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States’.
By reading Arts 18 and 20 TFEU in conjunction, Union Citizens who are lawfully resident in a MS have the right to equal treatment in all fields covered by the Treaties, including social assistance.
Principle of equal treatment for Union citizens provided by Article 20 TFEU read in conjunction with Article 18 TFEU applies to social security benefits available to national students.
Netherlands State v Reed
The right of a non-national who lives together with a national in a stable relationship to reside in the host State if this is available to national workers is a social advantage.
There is no obligation for family members to reside under the same roof. A spouse of a Union Citizen may remain resident in MS until marriage is legally terminated.
French Merchant Seamen
Direct discrimination against workers from another MS is prohibited.
Indirect discrimination against workers from another MS is prohibited.
Indirect Discrimination:
Indirect discrimination against workers from another MS can be objectively justified.
Discrimination on the grounds of place of residence is a form of indirect discrimination.
Public Service Exemption:
It is not for Member States to determine the scope of the public service exemption.
Article 45(4) cannot be relied upon to justify measures which discriminate against nationals of other Member States once they have been already admitted to the public service.
Indirect discrimination against workers from another MS can be objectively justified.
Art 45 prohibits measures which impede access to the employment market without being either directly or indirectly discriminatory on the basis of nationality.
Art 45 prohibits measures which impede access to the employment market without being either directly or indirectly discriminatory on the basis of nationality.
A family member exercising the right to work under Article 23 of Directive 2004/38 should also be able to benefit from other rights governing eligibility for employment and the conditions of employment enjoyed by workers.
A jobseeker is not a worker for the purposes of Art 7(2) of Regulation 492/2011. Thus, a jobseeker is not entitled to the same social and tax advantages as nationals off the host MS on the basis of that article.
A jobseeker may be able to rely on Union citizenship to claim entitlement to social advantages.
Art 7(2) Regulation 492/2011 includes ‘all social and tax advantages, whether or not attached to the contract of employment’. Members of a worker’s family can qualify indirectly for the right under Art 7(2).
Discretionary child birth loans are a social advantage.
Minimum income allowance is a social advantage
Funeral expenses benefits are a social advantage.
Social advantages are limited to those granted to workers primarily because of their objective status as workers or by virtue of their residence on the national territory.
Members of a worker’s family can qualify indirectly for the right under Art 7(2), even in relation to a right which only they qualify for.
Martinez Sala
By reading Art 18 and 20 TFEU in conjunction, Union Citizens who are lawfully resident in a MS have the right to equal treatment in all fields covered by the Treaties, including social assistance.
Arts 20 and 18 TFEU read in in conjunction can prohibit discrimination by a MS against one of its own nationals where that discrimination resulted from the national of the MS exercising their right as a Union Citizen to reside in another MS.
Indirect discrimination can be objectively justified.
Prohibition on discrimination against Union Citizens provided by Articles 20 and 21 TFEU read in conjunction with Art 18 TFEU is to be exercised subject to the conditions and limitations laid down by Art 24 of Directive 2004/38.
Vocational training: any form of education which prepares for a qualification for a particular profession, trade or employment or which provides the necessary training and skills for such a profession, trade or employment … whatever the age and the level of training of the pupils or students, and even if the training programme includes an element of general education.
University education generally satisfied the definition of vocational training.
Maintenance and training grants are social advantages within the meaning of Art 7(2) of Regulation 492/2011. Any entitlement to a grant is dependent on the person having the status of a worker. A person will retain the status of worker if there is a link between their previous employment and later studies.
Vocational schools: establishments which provide only instruction interposed between periods of employment or else closely connected with employment, particularly during apprenticeships.
Grants to students for maintenance and training fall outside of the scope of the treaty as educational policy has not been entrusted to the Community.
Workers are not entitled to education grants where their employment is ancillary to their studies.
The phrase ‘admitted under the same conditions’ in Art 10 Reg 492/2011 refers not only to admission but also to general measures intended to facilitate educational attendance, including educational grants.
The principle of equal treatment for the children of migrant workers under Art 10 extends to all forms of education.
The child of a migrant worker who had been studying in the host State retained his rights under Article 10 where his working parent, having been employed in the host State, had now returned to the State of Origin and the child, having been unable to pursue his studies in the State of origin, was required to remain and complete his education in the host State.
Children of migrant workers are entitled to education grants under the same conditions as the host Member State’s own nationals.
Educational policy is within the scope of the Treaty.
A Union citizen who enjoyed the right of residence in the UK under Article 20 TFEU had a right to equal treatment under Article 18 TFEU in respect of student grants and loans.
Indirect discrimination can be justified by a need to ensure that maintenance costs of students from other States do not become an unreasonable burden on the State. Consequently, a MS can limit assistance to students who demonstrate a certain degree of integration into MS.
Five years’ continuous residence is not an excessive period to determine sufficient integration.
Van Duyn
National measures must be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual concerned.
Adoui and Cornuaille
Deportation must not be arbitrary
Deportation cannot be effected for the purpose of deterring others.
The personal conduct of the individual concerned must represent a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society.
Past criminal convictions are not, in themselves, a ground for deportation
Exclusion must be compatible with fundamental human rights.
Fundamental rights must be taken into account in determining whether or not a measure which restricts the free movement of a person can be justified on the ground of public policy or security.
Commission v Belgium (Public Employees)
Article 45(4) removes from Art 45 TFEU: ‘a series of posts which involve direct or indirect participation in the exercise of powers conferred by public law and duties designed to safeguard the general interests of the state or of other public authorities. Such posts in fact presume on the part of those occupying them the existence of a special relationship of allegiance to the state and reciprocity of rights and duties which form the foundation of the bond of nationality’.
Commission v France (French Nurses)
Nurses in public hospitals are not included in Art 45(4).