Free movement of goods Flashcards
Definition of a good
A product which can be valued in mone and is capable of forming the subject of commercial transactions
Conditions for free movement of goods to apply
- The goods must cross a border
- Goods must be in free circulation (Art 29 TFEU)
What does Article 34 TFEU prohibit?
Quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures with equivalent effect between Member States.
What does Article 35 TFEU prohibit?
Quantitative restrictions on exports and all measures with equivalent effect between Member States.
What exceptions does Article 36 TFEU provide?
Justifications for restrictions based on public morality, policy, security, health, national treasures, or industrial/commercial property, provided they are not arbitrary or disguised restrictions.
What is a quantitative restriction?
Non-tariff quotas limiting the quantity of goods imported or exported.
measures which amount to total or partial restraint of imports, esports or goods in transit
What constitutes measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions?
Trading rules that directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, hinder intra-community trade (as established in Dassonville).
What was the rule affirmed in Henn v Derby?
- As the sex toys were not banned in the UK, but their import was banned, it was not justified and a quantitative restriction under Art. 34 TFEU and had to be disapplied
What did the ECJ decide in Dassonville?
All trading rules hindering intra-community trade are considered measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions, regardless of intent.
Brief summary of the facts of Dassonville
Belgian rules requiring a certificate of origin for Scotch whisky hindered trade, leading the ECJ to define such rules as measures equivalent to quantitative restrictions under Article 34 TFEU.
What principle was established in Cassis de Dijon?
Principle of mutual recognition. Goods lawfully marketed in one Member State should be marketable in all others unless justified by mandatory requirements (e.g., public health).
What test was introduced in Keck for selling arrangements?
Selling arrangements must apply equally in law and fact to domestic and foreign traders.
What are the steps to analyze a trade restriction under Articles 34-36 TFEU?
- Determine if the measure falls under Dassonville/Cassis.
- Check for a breach of Article 34.
- Assess if justified by Article 36 or mandatory requirements.
What was established in Commission v Ireland (Buy Irish)?
- The government campaign promoting Irish products to encourage domestic purchasing violated Art 34. TFEU as it was seen as a MEE and discriminated against imported goods, despite not being explicitly protectionist
Distinctly v indistinctly applicable measures?
Distinctly: explicitly discriminates between domestic and imported goods (e.g. supplementary inspections on imports)
Indistinctly: Rules applying equally but creating barriers to imports (Cassis de Dijon)