FRCP Motions/Pre, During, Post-Trial Motions Flashcards
Rule 19
Mandatory Joinder
Mandatory Joinder
3 qs to ask
1. Absent party necessary?
Necessary = a) interest that might be impaired if left out OR b) complete relief cannot be issued in absence OR c) not joining would subject parties to inconsistent/duplicative liability
2. Joinder ruin s.m or p. jx?
No = join party
Yes = Step 3
3. Cannot be joined–indispensable?
Yes = MUST dismiss suit
No = can continue w/out party
Necessary Party
Necessary under R19 (joinder) IF
1) Interest impaired if left out (ex. if suing for return of art, need guy w/ art) OR
2) Complete relief cannot be issued in absence (ex. current def. has no money) OR
3) Inconsistent/duplicative liability (ex. paying twice for same action)
Generally ≠ joint tortfeasors–can sue each other for recovery
Indispensability Under R19
Mandatory Joinder–courts consider:
-Extent of prejudice
-Ability to lessen by shaping relief
-If P can file in another forum
V. discretionary/subjective–esp. re: ability to refile
Rule 23
Formation of Class Action
Class Certification Reqs
1) Numerosity–joinder impractical
2) Commonality–qs of law or fact common to class
3) Typicality–claims of class rep typical of class members
4) Representativeness–both class rep. + atty will fairly + adequately protect interests of class
Req for Proper Type of Class Action Claim
1) Sep. actions create risk of inconsistent judgements/ impair nonparty protection of interests
2) Opp. party acted in ways generally app. to class (usually only re: injunction ex. poor prison food–damages differ, but from uniform treatment)
3) Common qs of law or fact predom over individ qs AND c.a. superior for fair/efficient result (ex. stockholders re: fraud .–tech. have to figure out how much each person lost, but gen. easy task)
So many plaintiffs that joinder impracticable
Class shares common qs of law OR fact
Claims of class rep. are typical of class as a whole (most people got nosebleeds, class rep had stroke–N/A)
Idea–rep has incentive to litigate to protect class interests
Rep. parties (class rep AND lawyer) will fairly + adequately protect interests of class
Consider experience, skill, capacity, etc
Class Action and Personal Jx
MUST have p. jx over all Ds AND all named Ps
DO NOT have to have p. jx over all members of class (not counted as “parties”)
Judgement binds whole class unless opt out (even if tech. no p. jx)
Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA)
1) Class action based on diversity AND
2) Class has 100+ members AND
3) Seeks damages over 10M
Minimal diversity enough–any P diverse from any D
Also– home state defs can remove even w/out agreement (idea–want to get class actions into fed ct.)
Rule 8
Requirements for proper complaint
Requirements for Proper Complaint
Must state:
1) Grounds for s.m. jx AND
2) Statement of facts suff. –> show P entitled to relief (Twiqbal–allege plausible claim w/ particularity, esp. if mistake/fraud) AND
3) Demand for relief and relief sought
Rule 4
Service of process
Service of Process (General)
Includes summons AND complaint
1) Manner proscribed by state court in jx where suit filed OR D served OR
2) According to FRCP 4
MUST be 18 or older to serve
MUST be non-party (lawyer OK)
Failure to serve summons w/in 90 days of filing complaint
Dismissal with prejudice
Exception–good cause
Service of Process (FRCP 4–Natural Person)
1) Personal service OR
2) To def’s usual adobe w/ person of suitable age + discretion who resides there OR
3) To D’s certified agent OR
4) Mail with request that def. waive service (if decline–D pays cost of service)
Suitable age + discretion–can be under 18 if fit reqs. + live in home
Service of Process (FRCP 4–Corporation, Etc)
1) Delivery to an officer (or officer’s assistant) OR
2) Delivery to managing agent or gen agent OR
3) Delivery to any other agent authorized to receive service
Constitutional Reqs for Service of Process
Main issue–due process–need notice and opp. to respond
Service = almost certainly = notice
No service: is method r. calculated to inform def of action v. him?
R11 Affirmations
File = certify that
1) Good Faith–no improper purpose
2) Good Facts–have/expect evidence to support
3) Good Law–argument non-frivolous
Based on r. inquiry
R11 Sanctions
Motion–must give opp. party 21 days to correct–safe harbor
Court sua sponte–must give opp to respond, but no req. follow safe harbor rules
Have lawyer = CAN’T be punished for bad law–firm j+ s liable
N/A if rep. self–you signed paper, out of luck
R11 Scope
N/A re: discovery–different rules
Preliminary Injunction Reqs
Weigh (Winters):
1) Likelihood of Success on the Merits
2) Risk of Irreparable Harm If Not Granted
3) Balance of Equities (is harm to def > harm to P if deny?)
4) Public Interest
MUST have notice + hearing
Temporary Restraining Order vs. Preliminary Injunction
TRO = Can be w/out notice/hearing–ex parte
TRO = 14 days, + 14 day extension if good cause (v. PI–indefinite)
TROs and Notice
Can have TRO w/out notice IF
1) Specific facts clearly show immed AND irrep injury likely before other party can be heard in opp AND
2) Movant’s atty certifies in writing any attempts to give notice AND reasons why notice not req
R attempts at notice + spec. facts irrep harm likely–> get TRO, even w/out notice + hearing (but only for 14 days)