FRCA Equations Flashcards
FRCA Primary
Equation for Ohm’s law
V = I.R
Equation for power (electrical)
Power(W) = VI = I^2.R
Equation for charge (electrical)
Q(Coulombs) = I.t (Amps*Seconds)
Equation for capacitance (electrical)
C (farads) = Q / V
Equation for stored energy (defibrillator)
E (Joules) = 1/2.C.V^2 = 1/2.Q.V
Equation for resistors in series (electrical)
R total = R1 + R2 + R3 …
Equation for resistors in parallel (electrical)
1/R total = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 …
Equation for Bioavailability
Bioavailability = AUC oral / AUC IV (where AUC is area under time-concentration curve)
Value for ‘e’ (Euler’s number)
Value for 1/e
Equation for a differential equation of a concentration-time curve (i.e. change in concentration over time)
dC/dt ∝ C
Equation for a concentration with a negative exponential relationship
dC/dt = -kC
C(t) = C0.e^-kt
Where C=concentration, C0=conc@time0, t=time, k=rate constant
Equation for dissociation constant
Where D=free drug, R=unoccupied receptors, DR=drug occupied receptors
Laminar flow - Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
Q = π.P.r^4 / 8.η.l
Q = π.P.d^4 / 128.η.l
P = Q.(8.η.l / π.P.r^4)
Where Q=flow, P=change in pressure, r=radius, d=diameter, η=viscosity, l=length
Reynolds Number
Dimensionless number predicting fluid flow pattern (i.e. laminar vs turbulent)
= v.p.d / η
Where v=fluid velocity, p=change in pressure, d=diameter, η=viscosity
Turbulent flow
Q ∝ √P
Q ∝ 1/√l
Q ∝ 1/√p
Q=flow, P=change in pressure, l=length, p=density
Bernoulli’s Equation
1/2.p.v^2 + P (+pgh) = K
p=density, v=velocity, P=static pressure of fluid at cross section, g=gravity, h=height
Absolute humidity
The mass of water (grams) per volume of air (m^3)
Relative humidity
Relative humidity = actual vapour pressure / saturated vapour pressure
The ratio of water vapour present in air relative to the maximum possible for a given temperature.
(ratio of the partial pressure of water vapour in the mixture to the equilibrium vapour pressure of water over a flat surface of pure water at a given temperature)
Equation for affinity
Affinity = 1 / KD
Equation for enzyme kinetics
V = Vmax.[S] / Km + [S]
V = initial velocity; Vmax = maximum initial velocity; Km = concentration at which the initial velocity is half the maximal initial velocity; S = substrate
Volume of distribution equation
Vd = D / C0
Vd = volume of distribution; D = dose; C0 = concentration at time zero.
Pharmacokinetic time constant and half time equations
T = 1 / Kel
T = Vd / Cl
t1/2 = T.loge(2)
T = time constant; Kel = rate of elimination; Vd = volume of distribution; Cl = clearance.
Loading dose and maintenance dose equations
Loading dose = Vd.Cp
Maintenance dose = Cp.Cl
Vd = volume of distribution; Cp = plasma concentration; Cl = clearance.
Three compartment model equation
Cp = A.e^-at + G.e^-gt + B.e-bt
Equations for pressure
Pressure (Pa) = force (N) / area (m2)
Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure
Ideal gas laws
P.V = K (Boyles)
V / T = K (Charles)
P / T = K (Gay Lussac / 3rd)
P.V / T = K
P.V = n.R.T
P = pressure; V = volume; T = temperature (K); n = number of moles; R = universal gas constant.
Energy equations:
Kinetic, Potential, Electrical, Metabolic energy content, Specific heat capacity
KE = 1/2.m.v^2
PE = m.g.h
EE = I.V.s
Met energy - multiply energy content per mass by the mass
SHC - Energy per mass per degree of temperature
Tension: tube and sphere
Tube: P = T / r
Sphere: P = 2T / r
P = pressure gradient; T = tension; r = radius.
Work = force * distance
J = N.m = kg.m^2 / s^2
Linear function
y = Mx + c
M = gradient of straight line
c = y axis intercept
Lambert- Bouguer law
Beer-Lambert law
I = I0.e^-ad
I = transmitted light; I0 = incident light; a = extinction coefficient for the solution; d = thickness.
Absorbance = ε.c.d
ε = molar extinction coefficient; c = molar concentration; d = thickness
Variance - standard deviation equation
Standard error of the mean
SD = Σ(x-x̄)^2 / (n-1)
SE = SD / √ (n-1)
Rate of diffusion
Q = Kp.A/T.(C1-C2)
Q = rate of diffusion; Kp = permeability constant (proportional to solubility over molecular weight); A = area of membrane; T = thickness of membrane; C1-C2 = concentration gradient
Osmotic pressure
π = RTC
π = osmotic pressure; R = universal gas constant; T = absolute temperature; C = osmolality (mosm/kgH20
Measurement of fluid compartments
Compartment volume = mass of indicator / concentration in compartment
Plasma osmolality
mosm/kgH20 = 2[Na] + [glucose] + [urea]